6 Reasons Highlander Is Awesome

Chances are good that you've seen the movie Highlander. Released in 1986 it starred Christopher Lambert as an immortal Scottish swordsman (hence "Highlander,"

5 Celebrities Who Just Went Crazy

Let’s not kid ourselves; there really is a lot of pressure that comes with being in the public eye. Every move you make is watched by fans and the paparazzi,

5 Best to Worst Youngified Movie Characters

Thanks to computers, Hollywood effects are making giant leaps forward in terms of fooling audiences. The problem with being on the cutting edge is that a couple of months and a few million dollars can be the difference between your effect blowing minds or just blowing.

Top 5 Fanboy Grievances: Superhero Movie Franchises

It is a given that translating comics to film will inevitably anger some of the most hardcore and passionate of the fan-base. What types of “creative”

6 Misheard Lyrics

These are some of the most misheard lyrics from couple of the most famous artists.1.1. “Purple Haze” by Jimi HendrixThis song is one of the most

Seven Writers Not Even Death Could Slow Down

It's inevitable; rich or poor, kind or evil, good or bad… eventually, the Grim Reaper comes a-knocking and everyone has to answer the door, no matter what

5 Bizarre Artists

Artists know how to express themselves better than anyone out there. You can look at a painting and know exactly what they were feeling when they created it.

7 Books That Should Would Make Great TV Shows

With the return of the immensely successful and wildly popular Game of Thrones, it’s only natural to look at the bookshelf and imagine what books may have a chance to rival the success that George R.R. Martin’s series has achieved on HBO. Obviously not every book would make for a great show, and some would make better movies, but there are some stories that are just so epic and grand in scale that

7 Weird Movie Scenes

Even if you’re giving a flick your undivided attention, there can be a scene like one of these that boggles your mind regardless of how many times you watch it.

15 Amazing Benefits To Know About Off-Campus Living

Now that you have accepted that offer from your university, it is time to prepare for your first overseas travel....