Weird Sculptures and Installations From Around the World

In the world of art, strange and unusual things tend to be… well… common and expected. Historically, many of the finest works of art are those which are

8 LOST Questions That They Really Need to Answer (But Probably Won’t)

As any good LOSTie knows, the nigh-legendary show will be pulling up stakes and heading off into the sunset very soon. For 6 years it has kept us guessing at

20 Infamous S*x Scandals of Modern History

Everyone loves a good old fashioned scandal. Add in a little bit of sex just to spice things up, and it’s ratings heaven for journalists, and can also help boost the public profiles of the people involved. Sometimes those involved are submitted to public shame, while others use their new notoriety to slingshot themselves into the spotlight and gain fame and fortune. For better or worse, the public

The Five Weirdest Bands From Around the World

Think Marilyn Manson is weird? Then you have clearly been missing out on the goldmine of real musical weirdness that is available all over the globe. Here are

6 Telltale Signs of Courtney Love Syndrome

Courtney Love is a fascinating creature, emphasis on creature. Her life and career have included many ups and many, many, many, many more downs, only some of

5 Ridiculous Cases of Movie Director Egotism

It shouldn’t really come as a shock that some movie directors have gigantic egos. Or, in some cases, Titanic egos. After all, these are some of the most

15 Bizarre Band Names

Corpse VomitCorpse Vomit was founded by three friends in the early 1990s. This death metal band hails from Denmark. The released their first full length

Fantastic Four Reboot / Who Makes up the Ultimate Fantastic Four? – Infographic

On August 6th the Fantastic Four Reboot hit the big screen and already it has smashed the $25million mark!

The 9 Stupidest Lanterns

For the longest time, there was only one kind of Lantern in the DC Universe, green. Then, they added an evil one, the Sinestro Corps. Then they added a Blue

5 Awkward Hollywood Cash-Grabs for the Urban Market

Following extensive market research and several colorful PowerPoint presentations, it appears that the money in African Americans’ wallets is of equal value