Having a Cup of Coffee With Coffee Artist Karen Eland

Meet Karen[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Karen Eland"][/caption]Karen has been a creator since childhood, but a portrait class at

5 Awesome Fictional Principals

Pop culture is full of principals who serve as villains, from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off to the Breakfast Club, but every once in a while you come across a totally awesome headmaster.

The Five Biggest Surprise Hits

If you work in the media, you want everything you touch to be a hit. You want people to enjoy your work and support you financially (and did we mention our

5 Actors You Didn’t Know Were Talented

As moviegoers and T.V. watchers, we all like to assume that everyone in Hollywood is talented. MTV has long since destroyed that notion and now the cynics among

8 Reality Television Secrets Networks Won’t Tell You About

One of the most popular genres on television these days is reality TV. Reality shows are everywhere, and have been huge starting with The Real World and especially since Survivor and American Idol first hit the airwaves. Of course not much of what happens on reality TV, believe it or not, is actually, you know, real.

Showbiz Myths That Are Easily Debunked

There are few things that intrigue people more than myths and rumors. People love to speculate and gossip, so it shouldn’t be any surprise that in the world of show business, people spread sometimes absurd rumors about ridiculous things, from deaths, to ghosts, to candy. Wait, candy? Yes, that will make sense in a few minutes. Here are some of the most popular myths that have been floated around s

5 Embarrassing Celebrity Career Crossovers

Most celebrities consider themselves artists, even though the vast majority of them are about as far from doing anything artistic as a monkey throwing feces at

13 Classic Movies That Completely Bombed at the Box Office

You would think that when it comes to classic movies, people would immediately recognize their greatness and fully embrace it upon the film’s release into theaters. However, that’s actually not always the case, and in fact some of the best movies ever made struggled to initially find an audience during their theatrical runs. Eventually most of these movies make up for those box office losses with

9 Kid’s Movies That Aren’t as Cute as You Think

If you're anything like us, you've got a whole collection of movies you remember watching and loving as a kid - either on actual DVDs, in your Netflix queue, or

Four Writers Who Predicted the Future

Previously on Weird Worm we've discussed psychics (and one crazy leader) who made ground breaking predictions that mysteriously went absolutely nowhere. At this