The World’s 10 Most Weirdly Exclusive Clubs

They run the gauntlet from secret societies, to business groups, to sporting clubs, to just plain crazy, but rest assured all of these clubs have one thing in

10 Weird Cigarette Lighters

Cigarettes and cigarette lighters have been a part of American and world culture for decades. So it is understandable that something this big to society would

10 Absolutely Baffling Celebrity Cameos in Music Videos

Believe it or not, music videos are actually things that still exist, despite the fact that channels like MTV would have you believe otherwise. Celebrities popping up in a music video are never particularly surprising. If, for example, you saw LeBron James pop up in a hip hop video, it would make total sense. But now and then a celebrity will appear in a music video and you kind of have to do a do

The Strangest Covers Ever Recorded

The list of weird song covers is nearly bottomless. For every tune, there’s a musician who should never perform it under any circumstances. And thanks to an

Famous People Who Will Not See the Decade Change

There were influential and famous people who died in 2009. Some of them helped shape the world, while others entertained and delighted us. Sadly they will not

What is Japandi Bathroom Remodeling?

Japandi style is a design trend that combines the best of Japanese and Scandinavian aesthetics. The result is a clean,...

The Five Superhero Reboots

Superheroes have been with us since the 1930s. With their simple morality, bright costumes, and science-mangling powers, we've had literally thousands of

6 Manliest Religions

When it comes to religion there are many options out there. However, if you want a truly kick-a$@ religion, with a God that eats fire and picks his teeth with

Carl Tanzler – Romancing the Dead

The bizarre story of Carl Tanzler and his twisted predilections towards love and devotion is something of a morbid pop legend, made even stranger by the fact

Maximizing Space ─ Luxury Interior Design Tips for Small Apartments and Homes

In today's world, where space is at a premium, more and more people are opting for smaller apartments and homes....