5 Remakes That Have Fans Incredibly Nervous

There’s nothing more beautiful than the innocence of childhood. Naturally, Hollywood is doing everything in their power to exploit the few positive memories

The Uncomfortable and Disturbing History of the Mattress

When most people think about their mattresses, "love" probably isn't a word that comes to mind. Sure, there are those who could happily fall asleep on a bunch

6 Campaigns (That Want to Control What You Say)

Freedom of speech. Many countries have laws protecting it and, if you’re reading this article from a website on a computer and not from a second-hand account

Five Famous Philanthropists (Who Built Their Fortunes Unethically)

“Behind every great fortune there is a great crime” – attributed to Honoré de Balzac America has long been a storied place of opportunity, where the

3 Big Budget Directors Who Should Work With Small Budgets

Bigger budgets allow directors more freedom to explore their vision and bring stories to life. Alternatively, necessity breeds creativity. Here’s 6 directors who should have focused on the latter.

Real Life Superheroes Would Probably Be Jerks

Everyone who has ever read a comic book, watched a superhero movie, or hell, even had a childhood fantasy has considered what it would be like to have superpowers. Everyone thinks it would be the absolutely coolest thing to be able to fly around the world, fighting crime and being a hero. But you know what? We’re pretty certain that, while there would obviously be some exceptions with people who a

5 Comic Book Spinoffs (That Never Should Have Happened)

When a comic book becomes incredibly popular, the only logical thing a publisher can do is create a spin-off exploring other characters. Sometimes you get a

5 Reasons Why Obi Wan Kenobi Is Really a Poor Role Model

The power of suggestion is really amazing. If you had lived in Nazi Germany, there is a good chance you might have honestly believed in the rightness of the

6 Ridiculous Celebrity Products

Whether you’re talking about a basketball player or a movie star, one of the biggest sources of income for any celebrity is endorsement deals. Most of these

Five of the Most Notorious Doctors in History

Some people claim you’d have to be crazy to put up with four years of undergrad, four years of medical school, internships, residencies and so on just to hang out with sick people all day. These fellows prove there might be something to that theory.