4 Common Myths About the Middle Ages

It’s one of the better documented parts of European history, yet much of what we know about the Middle Ages isn’t true at all.

5 Reasons why you need a professional tree lopper

Do you own a garden? Do you have a lot of trees in it? Well, if the answer to both...

10 Weird Ways of Communicating

In your next conversation if you watch closely you’ll realize that communication or the entire habit of transferring the thoughts, ideas, and emotions from

5 Ridiculous Things Deemed Offensive by People

In our society, there are some things you just can’t say to people, because they are considered offensive. For example, bringing up fried chicken and

3 Bizarre Theories About Aliens

There's a lot we don't know about the universe around us, which has given us quite a bit of room for speculation. The field of extraterrestrial theory is a

5 Embarrassing Celebrity Career Crossovers

Most celebrities consider themselves artists, even though the vast majority of them are about as far from doing anything artistic as a monkey throwing feces at

The Forever 27 Club

27 Club - it’s a club that the famous are dying to get into, but unlike the nightspots and dives in Hollywood or New York, there’s no bouncer. Anyone can

7 Tips for Arranging Furniture in a Living Room

The COVID-19 pandemic is slowly starting to slow down, but this still doesn’t mean that we will be able to...

Strangest Psychological Disorders

There are a number of strange phobias and obsessive disorders than can affect people, and then there are those that made this list. Through years of intense

5 Most Awesome Crashes in NASCAR History

A comprehensive list of exactly why you should be watching the sport of the south. It’s not a sport until somebody might get seriously hurt.