College is an interesting time in a person’s life. It’s where a lot of people really discover themselves and prepare for the future while trying to pin down exactly what they want to do for a living. For the majority of people who attend college, when you choose a major that’s more or less going to factor into whatever career path you wind up taking.
However, for quite a few people, ultimately what you major in has absolutely nothing to do with how you wind up making a living. And if you’re going to go that route, why not just go completely off the wall since your major isn’t really going to matter anyway? Here are some of the most peculiar and out of the ordinary majors you could actually major in at college.
20Puppetry Arts

Several schools around the world offer you the chance to become an expert on puppet shows, though if your goal isn’t to, say, work on Sesame Street we’re not sure how much good this one will do you.

If you’ve ever hoped to haunt the nightmares of small children by being that creepy clown that unfortunately shows up to ruin their birthday parties, this is the major for you.
18Bowling Chasing Management

We’re not sure what the “chasing” part means, but the “bowling” part means that, yes, this is a major that teaches you how to run a bowling alley, and is offered at several schools such as Vincennes University.
17Motorsports Science and Engineering

Now this is a major that could wind up being pretty useful, except at some point you’re going to realize that, hey, you’re majoring in NASCAR, and that’s kind of odd, don’t you think?
16Paranormal Studies

For anyone out there wishing to become a Ghost Hunter, or better yet, a Ghostbuster, you might want to consider a school like the University of Arizona, which is one of several that offer Paranormal Studies as a major.
15Cannabis Cultivation

Yes indeed, this is a major that will teach you the proper way to grow and harvest marijuana, and we all know that what every college kid needs is expertise in weed.
14Professional Nanny

Taking care of children is a noble profession, of course, but we’re going to go ahead and guess that you never realized people can actually go to college and get a degree in being Mary Poppins.
13Decision Sciences

If you’re struggling to decide on what you want to do with your life, maybe majoring in Decision Sciences will teach you how to finally make up your mind already.

Now, this certainly isn’t a particularly popular major, but if you’ve ever attempted to complete the New York Times crossword puzzle, you’ve seen the work of the most famous man with this degree, Will Shortz. Check out Wordmint to create a custom crossword puzzle using your own questions and answers.
11Canadian Studies

It just feels odd that American universities would offer a degree in studying our neighbors to the north, doesn’t it? Well, several universities, including Duke and Johns Hopkins, offer this major.
9Theme Park Engineering
We have to go from the most boring major to one of the most awesome-sounding, since what could be cooler than learning how to design roller coasters for a living?
Most comedians will tell you over and over that, you can’t teach someone to be funny, but don’t tell that to Humber College students who choose comedy as a major.
7The Phallus
Yes, this is a major in which the goal is to study the phallus, and different interpretations of all things phallic throughout history, so at the end of the day you’re getting a degree in p**is.
6Popular Culture
One particular major we would have absolutely excelled in is popular culture, which is offered at several colleges and is basically an excuse to just sit around watching TV and movies all day.
5Floristry Management
Just in case you ever wanted to grow and sell flowers for a living, Mississippi State University has you covered with a degree that’ll teach you how to do exactly that.
4Comic Book Art
Now this one is just awesome if you’re able to become any good at it, because what’s not cool about learning how to draw superheroes for a living?
3Bakery Science
For one thing, we bet you didn’t know that baking pastries was actually a science, and for another, we have to imagine the students who major in bakery science go way beyond the usual “freshman fifteen.”
2Fermentation Sciences
Now the idea that brewing beer is science is something we get really get behind, especially when fermentation sciences will give us the know-how to make all of the delicious beer we could ever want.
1The Beatles
Yes, if you attend Liverpool Hope University in England, you can actually get a degree in studying the music of The Beatles. Not just any degree, either – this is a master’s degree program.