Helpful Tips and Tricks to Save Cost When Decorating Your House

If you have just bought a new house or your old house seems boring, you are probably in the need...

5 Weird Legends of Warriors and Mythical Creatures

Across the world and throughout history there have been tales of legendary warriors who fight against all odds to defeat their foes. Often these heroes are

5 Awesome Fictional Principals

Pop culture is full of principals who serve as villains, from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off to the Breakfast Club, but every once in a while you come across a totally awesome headmaster.

4 Cheaper Alternatives To Expensive Home Improvements

Since the home improvement boom in the 2000s, things have been quiet on the home renovation front. With people working...

20 of the Most Terrifying Things Kids Have Ever Said

Kids say the darndest things, as the old saying goes. They also say some of the most horrifying things, as well. Most of the time it’s just because they don’t know any better, but now and then something slips out that is positively freaky, and it seems like just about everyone has heard a story about something they said, a friend said, or even their own kids have said that scared them witless. Ove

Five Ancient Sports

While debate rages about concussions and other injuries sustained by athletes, we can all agree that we’ve come a long way in reducing the number of deaths, beheadings and mauling in the majors compared to sports like these…

From Drab To Fab: Wowing With Oversized Rugs – The Secret To Gorgeous Interiors

When it comes to interior design, few elements have the power to transform a space like a rug. A well-chosen...

4 Best Evaporative Coolers For Your Home 2024

Having proper cooling in your house has become a necessity, even more so if you live in areas with a...

7 Ridiculous Kid’s Breakfast Cereals

With vicious rumors going around this month, many people were outraged about the apparent impending doom of one of our most beloved cereals of all-time: Cap’n

4 Strange Cases of Plagiarism

Anyone who's ever been in the public school system can tell you that plagiarism is bad. Not only are you going to lose your credits, but now that we live in the