A good CV can land you your dream job, but writing a good CV is more challenging than what it seems. A recent news article came out saying that hiring managers spend just a few seconds scanning each CV before determining whether is good or not.
What particular section they focus on is a little harder to determine, since each company focuses on different aspects. Some might focus more heavily on past experience, while others might focus on a particular skill set. But regardless of what hiring managers focus on, we’re bringing you this article full of top tips for creating a good CV.
5Stick To the Point

It takes exactly 8 seconds for a hiring manager to make his conclusion on your CV. Naturally; most hiring managers suggest that a good CV should be longer than two A4 pages. One way to land yourself in the “No” pile is to write your entire life on your CV. Avoid that, at all costs. Stick to the point, keep it punchy, and save the most important details for the interview part.
4Change Your CV
The best way to land your dream job is to do your research on the company in question. Instead of using the same CV from a friend, take the time off and change it up a bit. Research the job you’re going after, and work out exactly what skills you should include for it. Point out those skills because hiring managers will take notice and appreciate the effort. If you have no idea where to start with your CV, a great place would be to browse for templates. We recommend you visit https://jofibo.com/cv-templates/ and find the best one for you.
3Use a Short, Personal Statement

If you plan on adding something personal, which you should then make it short in a statement way. The best way for a hiring manager to see how your experience relates to their job is through a short personal statement. In this statement, make sure you to explain why you are the best person for the job. This statement should be reflected in your cover letter section.
2Avoid Leaving Gaps
A hiring manager gets suspicious if you leave any gaps in your CV. What’s more important is that they won’t even give you the benefit of the doubt. It’s a cruel world out there and there are hundreds of people that can replace you; that’s how companies and hiring managers see it. If you’ve been out of work for a year, try to put a positive spin on it by including what you’ve been doing. Have you been traveling, have you been taking a course, developing new skills, volunteer work? If so, then make sure to include it as it will come in handy if you manage to land an interview.