4 MORE Weird Things That Kids Loved in the 80’s

Back by popular demand, it’s that 80’s article coming at you again. Last time we took a look at some of the more unusual retro junk which kids from the

5 Examples of Rural Entertainment That Could End in Disaster

According to that country song - we think it's called something like "Every Country Song You've Ever Heard Accidently (Because You Don't Really Listen to

15 Weird Necklaces

Ah, the humble necklace. Perhaps one reason the necklace has proven to be such a timeless form of jewelry is its versatility – anything that can be worn

The 7 Best Google Hoaxes (That You Wish Were Real)

Google likes to celebrate every holiday in some way. Usually they do so by manipulating the Google logo on their homepage. But when April 1st rolls around

6 Recurring Fashion Trends That Should Just Go Away

Ah yes, fashion. Who hasn't had the desire to look really swank at least once in their lifetime? Saught by many but captured by few, fashion the completely

8 Insanely Creepy Haunted Locales Around the World

Everyone loves a haunted house. But even creepier than a normal, boring haunted house is an historic building that can range from a hotel, to a hospital, to even a lonely stretch of road that supposedly takes lives with reckless abandon due to the overwhelming amount of supernatural activity. If you happen to be taking a trip around the world and love the idea of encountering a potentially evil sp

Five Very Lucky People

There's no way to prove that luck as we know it exists. Most people believe it out of superstition or firsthand experience with improbable odds. With

6 Badass Gods From Mythology

Forget love and forgiveness, when it comes to the almighty ancient people knew that the best gods were the ones to be feared.

4 Things People Refuse to Believe Aren’t Real

When you’re growing up, it’s fun to play make believe. You can be anything you want, and the world is open to limitless possibilities. But eventually, you

10 Nonagenarians Who Broke World Records

Strange and amazing stories of personal triumpth can inspire many people. Despite their age, the people on this list were determined to accomplish their goal