10 Unusual Watches

Watches are meant to tell the time, but when you have a watch that is a little unusual then it can be a little harder to tell the time. It is just a matter of

5 Weird Legends of Warriors and Mythical Creatures

Across the world and throughout history there have been tales of legendary warriors who fight against all odds to defeat their foes. Often these heroes are

5 People Killed by Their Obsessions

We here at WeirdWorm love many things. List based observation humor is big. A delicious pizza is always enjoyable. One of our contributing authors has a pretty

The 4 Strangest Cryptids

While you might be wondering what exactly a cryptid is, it’s likely that you have heard of a Cryptid before: Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, Crab People and

Five Strange Fundraising Ideas

Every charity has the relentless problem of money. How to spend it? How to use it? And most importantly, how to get more of it, because there never seems to be

5 Blatant Toy Commercials Disguised as Kids Shows

If you wish to put out a television show and market it to kids, you basically have two options: gently educate them, or suck their parents for every dollar they

Bizarre Christmas Decorations

Christmas is the time when people choose to celebrate their love of the holiday and their own personality by decorating the inside and the outside of their

6 Badass Gods From Mythology

Forget love and forgiveness, when it comes to the almighty ancient people knew that the best gods were the ones to be feared.

9 Most Insane Disguises Ever Used

Forget Ski-masks or pantyhose. Sure, they conceal your identity, but ask yourself this, “Are they fun?”1.Robber Pretends to be WallRobert Coulson

Weekly Links #9

1. Tiger Woods Scores in BedThis site offers you up hilarious pictures of animals that look like they have been drinking just a little too much.