20 Weird Superstitions

These are some crazy and weird superstitions. Feel free to add some more, I know there are so many of them in this world. #01The number 13.It's just a

The Five Most Brutal Deaths in the Bible

Sex, war, murder, betrayal, prostitution, genital mutilation and non-stop violence. No, these aren’t HBO’s programming goals, but a brief synopsis of events from the Bible. In fact, you’d be shocked by the gruesome fates that befell some poor fellows documented in this surprisingly badass tome…

7 Crazy Reasons Famous Books Were Rejected by Publishers

There’s no accounting for taste. Check out seven book rejections that keep publishing company executives awake and crying all night.

9 Local Commericals: So Bad They Are Good & So Bad They Are Bad

When economic times are tough, small companies and businesses are often the first to feel the hits. In order to get some cash flowing again many a proprietor

Meet Vladislav Gerasimov – Digital Art Master

Meet Vlad[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Vladislav Gerasimov"][/caption]I am not famous enough yet for others to write my biography

Weekly Links #5

1. Benjamin Button Monkey - Sad Ugly Monkey2. Costume Fails - Fail Photos3. Very strange baby costume - Photo Gallery4.

5 Great Fictional US Presidents

Everyone can name the current US president. Most can name the one before that… and probably the one before that… and it’s around that point that most people have an easier time remembering dudes who played the president on TV or in the movies than the guys who actually held the office.

4 Human Jobs Outsourced to Animals

As if Americans weren’t already irrationally afraid of all the best jobs being stolen by illegal immigrants, now they have to contend with the rest of the animal kingdom trying to horn in on their board meetings and casual Fridays…

Air Conditioner Maintenance Guide

Looking to save some money on energy bills? You can start by making sure your air conditioning receives regular maintenance....

5 Weird Uses of Viagra

Viagra - the little blue pill that could... give you wood. Since becoming available in 1998 the erection inducing pharmaceutical has became a permanent part of