10 Bizarre Fringe Religions

We’ve elected to use the term “fringe religions” because at times the line between a sect, a cult, and an established religion can be surprisingly blurry.

10 Weird Holidays and Festivals

It’s always nice to get a day off of work for a public holiday, but some of the must intriguing holidays in the world are the more obscure ones. Here are ten
How to Decorate with Lamps: Tips for Illuminating Your Home - 2024 Guide

How to Decorate with Lamps: Tips for Illuminating Your Home – 2024 Guide

Welcome to our 2024 guide on how to decorate with lamps and illuminate your home effectively. Lamps are not just...

7 Weird Minor League Baseball Fan Promotions

When it comes to the world of professional sports, the home organization realizes that fans come to the games to be entertained pretty much nonstop, especially

6 Choices of Gum That Define You

It may sound silly to assume that the type of gum you chew really says a whole lot about you, but think about it: when was the last time that you intentionally

7 Weird Low Budget Commercials

Making a good commercial is tough at the best of times, and it only gets harder when you’re on a limited budget. Many small businesses aren’t able to afford

10 Most Used Imagined Languages

Occasionally, a work of fiction is so inventive it needs more ways to express itself than possible with just the speech it’s written in, and a new language is

4 Cheaper Alternatives To Expensive Home Improvements

Since the home improvement boom in the 2000s, things have been quiet on the home renovation front. With people working...

7 Lamest Ripoffs of Popular Websites

In the brave new world of the Internet, brilliant ideas come into being all the time. Websites become added to our virtual toolbelt, giving us easy access to

7 Assholes From 80’s Movies Who Got What They Deserved

Say what you will about the declining quality of modern cinema and narrative: there’s nothing sweeter than seeing an asshole get their comeuppance. And man, did films of the 1980’s produce some assholes that deserved it.