Do not worry about pilling on sweaters. You want to buy an anti-pilling accessory and we have recommended razors for sweaters. These are indeed small devices, hyper basic in their use, which make it possible to remove all the fluff of the desired garment. There are various models, more or less effective, more or less expensive.
These are kind of device that we do not use often over a year, but we may need each winter. We must, therefore, favor a solid and effective model to buy one, once and for all. You will find various brands, including Philips, which is essential when it comes to taking care of clothes. However, Beautural brands, SUNMAY, FakeFace, and Solac are almost unknown and still offer good devices.
So where you always need to be aware of all these brands, here utmost important thing you need to remember always is to check the top products reviews before buying any product online. This will assist you to know what exactly people are buying from the market and what’s in trends nowadays. Same is the case with cloth shavers.
So you may visit the buyers trend to learn about top lint or fabric shavers or to see the latest top product reviews and buyers guide online about anti-fluff razors.
1What is an Anti-fluff Razor?

It is indeed a very discreet electric razor (it emits only 1 to 5 dB) which attacks the stubborn hairs of the fibers of clothing. In general, the razor has several blades behind a rack (to avoid puncturing the clothes), an on / off button, a battery or batteries and a small pellet recovery tank. By methodically passing on clothing, we can give them a second youth.
I know that discovering this device for the first time, we say that it does not serve much. But look closely at the state of your sweaters and jackets, you will see that ultimately it is far from stupid and that greatly improves your look. To take good care of your clothes, also discover all our articles on ironing accessories, like the one on the best ironing board.
2How to choose an Anti-pilling Razor?
I think at first sight all razors look similar. However, there are models that we use twice and end up in the trash, and those who take an hour to overcome a single sweater.
So here are some tips for buying a razor for the pull that will not disappoint you.

There are both systems with battery or battery. In some cases, the batteries are offered (finally the first batch of battery). Also, check the battery life: how long can you use the device before recharging?
4Shaving levels
The cheap anti-pilling razors have in common to be very basic. Sometimes they announce that they are only valid for one type of fabric: run away!
Choose a razor that can be applied to wool, cashmere, cotton, etc. For this, it is preferable to have several cutting heights available. So on the finest fabrics, you can increase the distance between the garment and the blades.
5The rotation of the blades
Do not take a razor that is less than 8000 rpm. It would be a waste of time and the garment comb would be almost more useful.
6The care of Clothes
Most razors look alike and evoke an electric razor for men’s beards. Yet there are other gripes possible. So some people evoke a mini iron like the Solac H101 and there are those rounds as the Phaeton. Here it is a very personal choice.
7Why buy an anti-pilling razor?

It is almost inevitable to have sweaters with stuffed animals. It can even be found on hats or scarves. So much about children’s clothing, I drop (anyway in a few months they will have grown too much to continue to wear), as much on adult clothing, it is very unpleasant. Nobody wants to change sweaters, under the pretext that we love it too much, that we wear it too much and that it wears faster than the others.
The anti-lint razor really does not cost anything and can increase the life of clothing.
8Why pullovers pimp?
Fluffy sweaters are often associated with poor quality sweaters, but it’s not nearly as simple.
Pellets are small balls formed by the fibers of the fabric. They agglutinate irregularly, are unsightly and lose the sweetness of the garment. They appear due to repeated rubbing (for example under the arms, at the handle of a bag) or due to bad machine treatment or tumble dryers.
What happens is actually very simple: the fibers break, separate and the ends get tangled, forming the pudding. This happens on all tissues, but high-quality garments have often been pilled. However sweater 100% wool or 100% cashmere will also leave pills to appear after a few weeks or months.
9How to use a Razor Anti lint?

Use the razor on a clean, crease-free garment. Do not be squeezed and do things gently. Sudden gestures and crumpled clothes favor the appearance of holes! Move slowly over the entire garment.
At the end of the anti-pilling treatment, empty the tank where the pills are removed and clean the unit thoroughly. An anti-pilling razor really enhances the look and feel of the clothes. It is a small device that looks like nothing but is really worth the cost.