Usually, in the instruction manual, the manufacturer indicates the period of active use of a particular mattress. The service life of the one is calculated mainly on the basis of the technical characteristics of the materials used as a filler, and the regular maximum load exerted on the product. As we can see on the Jons Guide, it is 5, 7, 8, 12 years of service life. However, there are still chances to make it “live longer”.
15Destructive Moisture
For living creatures, moisture is life-giving. But it is destructive for many mattress fillers.It should be protected from moisture to keep the benefits of the filler as long as possible. It is important that the air temperature in the room where the bed with the mattress is installed does not fall below +15 °CC.
Permissible humidity is 45-70%. Waterproof covers will help to protect them from sweat and accidentally spilled liquids. If moisture accidentally gets on the surface, it is necessary to get it wet to the maximum, and then leave the surface not covered until it completely dries.
14High Temperatures

The sun’s rays and high temperature can lead to drying out and, as a result, the loss of useful properties of fillers. An open fire and electric heaters should be located at a distance no closer than 1.50 m from the orthopedic mattress.
13Store a Mattress Properly
It is purchased to sleep on it. The normal position of the orthopedic one is horizontal. If for some reason, there is a need to temporarily remove the mattress from the bed (for example, during repair or for transportation), you should know some nuances.
It cannot be stored in an upright position for more than two days. It cannot be folded. This can lead to a break or displacement of the internal components.
The size of the mattress and the bed box must match. You can not purchase one which is larger than the box size.
In addition to being inconvenient for changing sheets, unnatural stress and compression of the mattress affect the characteristics of the filler in a bad way. This can also lead to bad sleep.
11Distance From the Floor

It is not recommended placing the orthopedic mattress on the floor. The minimum distance from the floor to the mattress should be at least 10 cm.
10Mattress Care
In addition to using the covers, the mattress needs to be vacuumed regularly. It should be done with a smooth furniture nozzle. The washing vacuum cleaner cannot be used. For general cleaning, delicate detergents for upholstered furniture are recommended.
9The Base Under the Mattress
For the longest possible preservation of the internal components of the mattress in excellent condition, it is necessary to take care of the correct foundation.
The solid base does not allow it to breathe. Orthopedic lamellas are a much better option, but their width should be at least 3.8 cm. As for the distance between the lamellas:
For spring mattresses, the diameter of the spring in the block should be 1.5 cm.
For latex and coconut ones, the distance between the lamellas should be no more than 4.5 cm. For polyurethane foams, it should be no more than 8 cm.
8Choose the Right Mattress and Base
An improper bed base can damage the mattress itself. If you are not sure whether it is suitable for your bed, consult with specialists. In this way, you will sleep calmly, knowing that it will last you a long time. Remember that it is about the health of your back. And for a mattress, the correct foundation is as important as the good land for the house.
7Ventilate It Regularly
If, after the purchase, you notice a factory smell coming from a new mattress, leave it for 1-2 days in a well-ventilated room. And then you can enjoy a quiet sleep without extraneous odors. Also, do not forget to repeat this procedure every few months.
6Don’t Save on a Case

A cover will create an additional barrier between the mattress and your daily life. It will protect the mattress not only from spilled coffee in bed, which can become a breeding ground for bacteria. It will also protect from sweat, dead skin cells, stains, odors, and claws of pets. The specialist will choose the one that suits you. But you won’t be mistaken if you choose a washable cover that is resistant to liquids.
5Clean the Mattress
Immediately after the purchase, the mattress must be cleaned. And after this, the procedure should be done once a season. This is necessary to prevent pressure sores on it.
4Carry the Mattress Carefully
When moving the mattress between rooms or in a new house, make sure that it passes through the doorways. Squeezing or bending it can violate the integrity of the layers and even make further use of the mattress dangerous. Also, do not use the handles on the side for transportation. They are intended only to turn it over. And do not forget to cover it with a protective film when moving.
3Don’t Jump on The Mattress
It is unlikely that any of us would have come up with this idea. But for children, the prohibition of jumping on the bed will have to be repeated many times. Besides the risk of getting trauma because of jumping, it is also more than realistic to spoil it.
2Don’t Allow The Appearance of Bed Bugs

It is unlikely that you will get rid of them, and the mattress will be damaged. As a precaution, you can use a special pad with protection from bugs. It completely covers the mattress, and its zippers are practically airtight.
1Keep Pets Out of Bed
On the one hand, the idea of sleeping with a pet looks pretty cozy, but there is a flip side of the coin. Dogs and cats leave wool, drool, and other discharges on the bed (we will not go into details). Because of this, bacteria and mold actively multiply in the mattress. If you want to feel cozy in bed, just turn on some relaxing high-quality music.