I use to plant my plants as usual, but this time around I came across some piece of land that no one used for a very long time. I did not know where to start from and what I have to do to make this land better.
Revegetation stands for the procedure of rebuilding damaged land or land that has never been used for a very long time. This is a method known by the procedure of the land becoming alive again. There is nothing worse for the land than not being used for long periods of time.
Revegetation is much more than a regular planting service. The first thing is checking the soil and seeing if the soil is compatible with the type of plants we are planning to use. Hiring an advisor might be very beneficial, since we can create a planting plan for all year round, depending on the type of plants, soil, climate and part of the year.
Let’s mention just some of the benefits of revegetation:

1. Evaluation of the soil to determine if we can plant a specific type of plant. Not every plant can be planted without proper evaluation of the soil.
2. Feeding the land with plant food specifically adjusted for the type of plant and the type of soil. Furthermore, it will help the soil to have better absorption shortly.
3. Bringing back native animal species to their environment. Native animal species will contribute to cycle growth.
4. Uplifting property value. We are all facing a very turbulent Real Estate market in Australia, so adding some value to our property is the step in the right direction.
5. Pre-planned evaluation is cost-effective. Well, prepared revegetation can be done fast. However, a lot of things depend on the complexity and size of the project that we are working on.
6. Proper revegetation can give us a perfect jump-start for annual evaluation.
7. Monitoring the PH level. It depends on what we are going to grow on our soil, but we have to be aware of this important factor which is going to provide final results.
This process might not be so easy. It does require proper environmental and landscape evaluation. This is usually done when you are planning to sell the property and profit from it, but you can even do it for your pleasure as well.
Before you decide to do any planting, keep in mind that deciding which type of plant you are going to use has to be as close as possible to the natural structure of the land. This can be adjusted, but up to a degree.
Climate also plays an important role as well. We have to think about current as well as future planting and usage of the land, so we are not talking about the look.
Most known techniques used in re-vegetation:

SprayGrassAustralia.com says there are two common techniques used for effective re-vegetation: hydro-seeding and hydro-mulching. Overall, selecting the right one has to be done by an expert who can assist you with this and give us further instructions on what can be with your soil in order to get the best results.
Hydroseeding is a specific type of re-vegetation method used to prevent soil erosion with the capability of stabilizing bare soil surfaces.
Binder mix of cellulose and grass seeds, water and some glue will form a homogeneous liquid that is going to be spread with hydraulic spray on the land. This method speeds up the process of stabilization and provides all good food to vegetation.
Ingredients of this mix will act as an absorbent mat, which holds enough moisture that can provide stability in a form of strong blanket cover to the surface even way before seeds germinate to prevent soil stretching and erosion.
This mulch is totally biodegradable which means that will revert back to organic matter over a certain period of time.
Hydromulching is some sort of similar, but a different process. During the application mixture of fertilizer, tracking dye, cellulosic mulch, water, and seeds are spread from the hydroseeding truck.
Some of the trucks are capable of spraying this mixture further than 100 meters, which means that even the most difficult areas can be reached. The difference between hydroseeding and hydro mulching is in the addition of mulch into the slurry.

First and foremost, this mulch stabilizes hydraulic medium growth that does form some type of protective cover and at the same time keeps the moisture inside of the reservoir for the seeds to germinate. This process further can stop birds from reaching the seeds way before it sprouts.
In the short term, fibers will stick together and keep the ground strong against erosion. This type of surface is also there to protect seeds from being displaced when the wind hits the ground. This helps us financially to battle this issue and to get better results. Technology did a lot for us for the last 20 years in agriculture and gardening.
This is not the only type of usage for Hydro mulching. This solution can be used for soil stockpiles, long term dust suppression and even stabilization of roadside batters.
As with anything else, numerous products are available at the market and it is important to select the correct one that fits your needs best. Understanding the procedure is the most important part.
Knowledge in this area can be gained easily. As soon as you do it ones from A to Z – next time will be much easier.