Sports is the most favorable entertainment for people all over the world, from football to horse racing to boxing and cricket. But there are particular spots that have held the love and respect of spectators since their inauguration.
Horse racing is one of the most popular and enjoyed sports across the globe, spectating and betting on the big events has been beloved by fans, enthusiasts and even those who do not follow the sport, but get involved for the big races. Horse racing has long been called the sport of the kings. This doesn’t mean, however, that it’s a sport for the rich, it is beloved by many people, but why is horse racing the second most popular sport in Great Britain? Here are 10 reasons
It is a social event

Horse racing is much more than a sport. It is a social activity that draws people together. Whether you want to watch the races, chat with friends, or catch up with family, horse racing gives you the perfect excuse to ditch work and indulge in more trivial things. This is known to include betting and with a tip from thewinnersenclosure.com, you can keep that fun going all week. There are many big events all over the world and some of the biggest of which are in the UK, such as The Grand National, Royal Ascot and The Cheltenham Festival.
There is a rich culture associated with the sport
Not only horse racing is an event all communities love; there is a rich culture associated with the sport. Its history in Britain alone dates back to Roman times, but horse racing is much older than that. Modernized and polished over the year, it has slowly transformed into a classic event crowned by races such as the Royal Ascot or Grand National. These events generate millions of pounds and bring thousands of people together, not to mention the hundreds of millions of individuals that watch the races from the comfort of their own homes.
It’s a great sport for travel lovers

With 60 racecourses spanned across the UK and hundreds throughout the world, horse racing is just the perfect sport for those who love to travel. To make it all even fancier, each racecourse has its own characteristics and attracts various crowds, not to mention you’ll get the opportunity to see a lot of new places. If you’re a lover of both holidays and horse racing, there are plenty of luxurious locations to do both, with events being held in countries such as Dubai, Barbados, and Hong Kong.
Horse race events cater to everyone’s needs
The horse racing events offer so many perspectives that the sport can easily be enjoyed by pretty much anyone, from kids to seniors. Furthermore, it also caters to the needs of people from all walks of life, from animal lovers to thrill seekers to gambling enthusiasts.
Horse racing isn’t just for rich people
Whether it’s watching or actually practicing the sport, horse racing can be affordable if done right. Sure, owning a horse is expensive, but you don’t have to be an owner to become a jockey or to enjoy a race.
Horse racing is a true lifestyle
From the entertainment it provides to the dressing code and social opportunities it delivers, horse racing is more of a lifestyle than a sport. The dress codes are dependant upon the event you are attending, so it is best to check out the specifics as preparation. Royal Ascot is one of the strictest events when it comes to the races and its rules are fairly specific for men, women, and children; these are also dependant on which enclosures you are planning on visiting.
The events give spectators more than just the thrill of watching a race, from the excitement of placing a betting to the enjoyment of making a day out of the races, it gives enjoyment that lasts longer than just a few short minutes that each race lasts.
It teaches about responsibility
One of the best sports for kids, horse racing, teaches about responsibility. It shows how to ethically grow and educate a horse, how to care for it, and how to turn a newborn animal into a champion. Despite criticism, horse racing is an ethical sport for everyone, with owners and trainers taking very good care of the racing horses and these animals are often referred to as living very luxurious lives in comparison to other sporting animals.
It’s family-friendly
Most families love horse racing more than any other sport because it’s family-friendly. Children can enjoy watching the horses while the adults can have fun betting. What better way to spend a day or more in the company of your beloved ones? With many races taking place in the spring and summer months, it is a lovely day out with the whole family to get dresses up and enjoy all the entertainment horse races have to offer, not just the races
It’s fun to gamble on

Gambling on the races is one of the main reasons the sport is so popular, as long as the races have been around, there have been people betting on the outcome. The beauty of the sport’s simplicity is that it is nt just experienced bettor or avid fans that can enjoy placing a wager and winning some money, it is available and easy for everyone.
Not only is betting available at the race, but so many bookies have taken advantage of the rise in popularity of both the sport and technology to make it available to everyone, at the races or at home.
It is exhilarating
Undeniably, horse racing is such a beloved sport because it can easily keep you on your toes. Sure, you can make your predictions and even place a bet on your favourite. But the truth is that you can never really know who’ll win until the race is over. Mixed emotions and the enthusiasm of the crowds surely make it worth it.