4 Peculiar and Off the Wall How-To Books

It’s not a big mystery as to why there’s a market for how-to books. People want to educate and better themselves, and learn useful skills that will either help them get ahead in life or simply serve to further a fun hobby. However, not all how-to books are created equal. Some are so utterly bizarre that it’s amazing they were ever written in the first place. In some cases, it’s just a strange choi

The Five Biggest Surprise Hits

If you work in the media, you want everything you touch to be a hit. You want people to enjoy your work and support you financially (and did we mention our

5 Movie Sequels (That Were Totally Unauthorized)

The movie sequel is a fickle business. Studios love them because they honor the time tested tradition of doing successful thing over and over again regardless

5 Bizarre Artists

Artists know how to express themselves better than anyone out there. You can look at a painting and know exactly what they were feeling when they created it.

The Ten Movies With Forgotten Sequels

Sequels are one of the facts of life in Hollywood, just like gay actors pretending to be straight, executives ruining everything, and Michael Bay being a hugely

5 Weird Stage Personas of Popular Musicians

There’s a reason why rock n’ roll stars always seem to be larger than life. In the world of popular music, it’s not enough to be a talented songwriter

4 Ridiculously Whiny TV Action Heroes

When we turn on a television show boasting thrills and action, well, that’s kind of what we expect to see. We yearn to witness butts being kicked, huge

7 Movie Mentors Who Failed Miserably

The desire for a mentor is deep-seated in the human race. Someone to teach hand-to-hand combat and ancient ninja skills so that we can go on to save the

5 Celebrities Who Just Went Crazy

Let’s not kid ourselves; there really is a lot of pressure that comes with being in the public eye. Every move you make is watched by fans and the paparazzi,

10 Absolutely Baffling Celebrity Cameos in Music Videos

Believe it or not, music videos are actually things that still exist, despite the fact that channels like MTV would have you believe otherwise. Celebrities popping up in a music video are never particularly surprising. If, for example, you saw LeBron James pop up in a hip hop video, it would make total sense. But now and then a celebrity will appear in a music video and you kind of have to do a do