The Most Bizarre Directors Working in Hollywood

The world of cinema can be an extremely exclusive place; it’s tough as hell to break into, with poor film school graduates slaving away, fetching coffee for

The Forever 27 Club

27 Club - it’s a club that the famous are dying to get into, but unlike the nightspots and dives in Hollywood or New York, there’s no bouncer. Anyone can

Evolution of Horror Legends: Hannibal Lecter

Once again, we take you on a guided tour of the things that scare you most. This time, we examine a man that is willing to get in your head in more ways than one…

5 Strange Musical Collaborations

Some of the best music in history is the result of artists coming together for the sake of their craft. However, just because you have friends that can sing

5 Greatest ‘Screw You’ Moments in Popular Music

It's not exactly a well kept secret that most musicians have a touch of egomania. But what happens when one of their contemporaries steps up and says “Hey,

6 Ridiculous Celebrity Products

Whether you’re talking about a basketball player or a movie star, one of the biggest sources of income for any celebrity is endorsement deals. Most of these

3 Weird Reoccurring Scenarios in Movies… Involving the Same Actors

Many actors have to deal with typecasting during their careers, and it tends to be a no-win situation for the actor and the audience. However, when an actor

5 Random and Awesome Movie Cameos

Gotta love cameos. Any film that’s willing to overpay a big name just to get a little bit of recognition from the audience is okay in our book. And here are some of the best.

The Possible Non-Delusional Life of Mental Patient Bruce Wayne

Ah Batman. Touted as the “plausible superhero”. I mean, with the right training and gadgets and backstory and billions of dollars, you could be Batman, right? But what if… what if not even Bruce Wayne could be Batman?

16 Bizarre Film Choices by Well Respected Actors

Everyone makes mistakes both in their everyday lives and in their careers. It shouldn’t come as any surprise that sometimes the people making those mistakes are professional actors, and often among the best and most respected in their fields. Some actors have an amazing track record for picking great scripts whether they’re just incredibly selective or simply have great taste. For other actors, th