Stupid Photos and Obnoxious Tourists

I am sure professional photographers cling at when they see an amateur playing with a sophisticated, pausing as they have the slightest idea what they are

8 Strange and Stupid Legal Convictions of Animals

Remember back in grade school when you forgot your homework and you told the teacher the dog ate it?OK, maybe that was just me and my overweight dog, but

The 4 Most Bizarrely Difficult Languages to Learn

So you want to learn another language. Maybe you want to travel, to expand your knowledge, or just prepare yourself for the day when the Feds track you down and

Satan’s Paradise: the Seven Most Terrifying Australian Animals

Make no mistake about it, Australia wants to kill you. From its vast deserts to its pristine beaches to its quiet suburban backyards, the country is packed with

6 Notorious Sports Cheats

We have such a high investment in sports because throughout history we’ve used them as both a means of entertainment and a status symbol. Sports represent

7 Weird Minor League Baseball Fan Promotions

When it comes to the world of professional sports, the home organization realizes that fans come to the games to be entertained pretty much nonstop, especially

The 10 Weirdest Vodka Flavors

We get it about vodka; it's basically the closest you get to pure alcohol before you start getting into drinks that are less liquor and more fuel for small

Strangest Beers

Beers have always been an important part of social culture and today beer is made and appreciated the world over. There is no doubt that different countries and

6 Weird Suicides – Suicide Attempts

Sometimes you just can’t get what you want... your favorite band might be breaking up, maybe you were dumped, or perhaps that TV show you decided to obsess

7 Things You Won’t Believe Are Illegal in the US

Law is the foundation of society; at least that is what they say. We live with the belief that there are people out there who understand legislature and the