The World’s 10 Most Weirdly Exclusive Clubs

They run the gauntlet from secret societies, to business groups, to sporting clubs, to just plain crazy, but rest assured all of these clubs have one thing in

5 Simple Ways That You Can Take Better Care Of Your Body And Mind...

It always seems easier to take good care of ourselves during the summer months. The days are brighter and warmer,...

6 Weird World Championships

Everybody wants to be the greatest in the world at something. That’s why we have events like the Olympics: to celebrate the incredible achievements of people

These Marketing Blunders From 2015 Are Absolutely Shocking

Awful adverts are just as memorable as good ones, sometimes even more so. Here we present a goldmine of terrible from 2015

6 Things What Adults Do to Boost Their Quality of Life

When people reach a certain age, often just before or after turning 25, they start to think about the future....

4 Weird Foods (Served While the Animal Is Alive)

Food is one of the most basic pleasures in life. Everybody eats, and while caffeine and playing with yourself on Chatroulette can handle your other necessities,

4 Horribly Wrong Predictions

Psychic powers: according to every Japanese role-playing game ever made, they are a necessary key to saving the world. If you could peer into the mists of time

8 Weirdest Cookie Jars

Cookie Jars have also been a popular item in the kitchen. Why? Because it was always easy to find out where the best tasting things in the kitchen could always

4 Strange Cases of Plagiarism

Anyone who's ever been in the public school system can tell you that plagiarism is bad. Not only are you going to lose your credits, but now that we live in the

12 MORE of the Weirdest Frogs

In our previous article we wrote about some of the weirdest frogs imaginable. For this sequel entry we actually sent a research team into a local swamp for a