10 Weird Miniature Versions of Normal Animals

Americans like things big; we like big cars, big portions of food, big screen TVs… You get the idea. These animals are proof that Mother Nature is probably

7 Coolest Animal Cross-breeds

Some things simply work better combined. For example, peanut butter and chocolate are awesome on their own, but combine the two and you get the confectionary

7 of the World’s Most Bizarre Plants and Fungi

Plants and fungi are classified as different kingdoms by scientists, just like Animals, Protists, Jeff Goldblum and two distinct kinds of bacteria. However,

Sneaking Into Hashima, Japan’s “Battleship Island” Ghost Town

In 2009, a friend and I were living in Japan. That year, we learned that it was possible to get to Hashima, commonly called “Battleship Island”, albeit

10 Weird Ways of Getting High

There are many ways of getting high. With the over abundance of drugs, legal and illegal, out there, one can only imagine the possibilities. But, there are

5 Weird Birds

With a world full of flight taking creatures there are bound to be some that are out of the ordinary. There are birds that are deemed beautiful by avid bird

5 Insane Marriage Rituals From Around the World

A marriage can be a wonderful and joyous occasion full of happiness, laughter and unicorn farts for two very lucky people. In other cases, it can be an exercise

10 of the Worst Diets Ever

Lots of people want or need to lose weight, but the time-proven method of moderation and exercise just isn't fast enough. Enter fad diets. Many rely on “science” to come up with the logic of how their plan works miracles. In reality not only do such fad diets fail, they can be dangerous, too. Here's ten of the worst fad diets.

7 Worst Coca-Cola Flavours Ever Released

Alongside McDonalds, Coca-Cola is one of the world’s most recognisable companies; present in nearly every country over the world, selling sugary sweetness and

5 Natural Human Functions You Shouldn’t Always Hold In

So there you are - sitting in class or perhaps attending a meeting with your co-workers when it hits. By “it” we mean any number of potentially offensive,