5 Edibles Invented by Accident

While we take a lot of the foods and flavors we enjoy today for granted, they come as the result of several thousand years of experimentation, research and the occasional fuckup.

The Green Thumb: 7 Timely Vegetables to Grow and Their Best Recipes

Are you considering starting a vegetable garden makeover? Or have you started vegetable gardening already? If so, this is for...

Top 4 Healthy Alternatives to Classic, Homegrown Breakfast Dishes

There's nothing better than going out on a weekend with your loved ones and sitting down to a hearty, filling...

5 Weird Things You Never Knew About Pizza

Pizza, as we know it today, was created between the 18 and 19th century in Naples, and it was inspired by flatbread meals with toppings that were a popular dish even in ancient history. In the US, the first pizzeria was opened in 1905 and the delicious combination of cheese, dough and sauces has since become a staple around the entire world. Everyone loves this classic food, but not everyone is fa

4 Most Disgusting Condiments People Actually Eat

People like food. It fills you up, gives you a reason to leave your bed in the morning and tastes good... some of the time. For those other times, when the

Benefits of CBD Edibles

It is not a secret that the popularity of CBD products is rapidly growing. You can now find CBD oils,...

The 10 Weirdest Vodka Flavors

We get it about vodka; it's basically the closest you get to pure alcohol before you start getting into drinks that are less liquor and more fuel for small

The Ten Scariest Hot Sauces

You might be wondering; how do we know these ten hot sauces are the scariest ever produced? We're glad you asked! We use the Scoville scale.The Scoville scale

10 Halloween “Treats” (Worse Than a Punch in the Mouth)

Halloween is the real holiday for kids. Christmas might be appealing on the surface, owing to the high monetary value of the gifts, but that only come as a

2 Different Ways of Elevating the Traditional Rice Pudding

Rice pudding itself is a mouth-watering dessert. The combination of rice, sugar, milk, and cinnamon is perfect and irresistible. It is...