Terrible Valentine’s Day Gifts

Valentine's Day is, among many other things, a sham. Look at it: if you're not in a relationship by the time it hits, you're absolutely rocked. If you are in a

The 7 Most Hilariously Disturbing Websites for Kids

Back in the day, kids didn’t have many options when looking for a good scare: either you waited for Halloween or snuck into an R rated film. Nowadays, kids aren’t even safe on web pages intended for children.

A Dozen Pieces of Nightmare Fuel Brought to You by the Internet

The Internet has more than it’s fare share of disturbing imagery, what with Furry porn and 4chan, but some of the stuff lurking out there are the kinds of

5 MORE Popular Nerd Arguments

Last time we discussed five classic nerd arguments found across the internet. This time we’ll be discussing five more incredibly popular debates which also

Top 7 Most Re-watchable TV Shows

Binge-watching. What do you associate with this expression? It`s a behavioral tendency of today’s generation to watch a TV show’s episodes...

The 7 Worst Types of Gifts Ever

When it comes to shopping for gifts, you'd think that most of us would pretty much have it down to a science by now. After all, it's something that pretty much

6 Reasons Continuity Destroys Superhero Universes

In desperate need of a way to kill an afternoon or longer? Ask your nearest comic book nerd to explain the various continuities of his favorite character’s universe. Sound like fun? Well there’s a good reason for that.

6 Terrible Attempt to Make Video Games Sexy

The combination of video games and sex is so obvious that it's physically painful: guys play video games and guys also like nudity. If you can somehow combine

4 Significant Jewish Holidays

The term "holiday" usually means a day of rest filled with activities that contribute to our good mood. Therefore, holidays...

5 Reasons Why You Should Teach Kids To Golf

Contrary to popular belief, this is not a game only old men play. In fact, even kids can greatly benefit...