Dance Central for the Kinect: Learning Tool or Humiliation Device?

Unless you've been living under a rock with no internet connection (and we personally know a couple of rock-based locations that have excellent coverage),

9 Local Commericals: So Bad They Are Good & So Bad They Are Bad

When economic times are tough, small companies and businesses are often the first to feel the hits. In order to get some cash flowing again many a proprietor

Most Important Comic Book Characters…Who Happen to Be Dead

Everyone loves an origin story, or at least Hollywood believes they do or they wouldn’t keep rebooting franchises every decade. But many of these stories feature characters that do more in death than they ever do in life…

6 Funny Things About Dating Websites

There's nothing quite like signing on to a dating website for the first time to make you feel like you've hit rock bottom. Expect to have thoughts like "Why

The 4 Dumbest Video Game Publicity Stunts

While video games are among the newest form of popular entertainment, good old marketing gimmicks and publicity stunts are classic and time tested. While there

Stupidest Role-playing Games

Ever since Gary Gygax realized that pretending to be a wizard stabbing a troll was a lot more socially acceptable than playing wargames where you pretend to be

7 Unusual Ways to Celebrate July 4

Sure, you could spend your holiday contemplating the freedoms you enjoy or being with your family. Or you could actually celebrate your independence by breaking the mold!

7 Awards You Could Win (For Failure)

Almost every profession has its own awards honoring the best and the brightest. Science and Literature have the Nobel, Journalism has the Pulitzer, and Cinema

Top 7 Tips for Destiny 2 Season of the Undying 

Since its release back in 2017, the game has changed a lot. Since the release, there have been a couple...

5 Incredibly Pointless Casino Games

Everyone loves the majestic and glamorous atmosphere of a casino. That is, until you lose everything and are reduced to crawling on your hands and knees,