7 Crazy Reasons Famous Books Were Rejected by Publishers

There’s no accounting for taste. Check out seven book rejections that keep publishing company executives awake and crying all night.

5 Fairy Tales Based in Fact

It’s unlikely; barring living in a bubble, severe child abuse, or being locked in a prehistoric time capsule, that you aren’t familiar with the idea of

Greatest Literary Monsters

As far back as our written history goes, there have been tales of evil creatures set on our destruction. But they frighten us more because of the internal evil

4 Peculiar and Off the Wall How-To Books

It’s not a big mystery as to why there’s a market for how-to books. People want to educate and better themselves, and learn useful skills that will either help them get ahead in life or simply serve to further a fun hobby. However, not all how-to books are created equal. Some are so utterly bizarre that it’s amazing they were ever written in the first place. In some cases, it’s just a strange choi

The Ten Titles That Scared You as a Kid

Books were those treats you could have before bedtime. They sat waiting for you quietly on the shelf and they might well have been the very things that taught

7 Brilliant Books For Young Readers Who Love Harry Potter

Harry Potter has been a big part of everyone's lives growing up. You either grew up with the books or...

12 Questionable How-To Books

How-To books are amongst the most popular genres in the world for two reasons: practically anyone can write one (assuming they're capable of doing something, of

4 Unexpected Celebrity Children’s Book Authors

It’s not really any secret that sometimes a celebrity will decide that he or she has some brilliant bit of wisdom they wish to impart to today’s little

How Can You Finally Finish That Book You’ve Been Dreaming of Writing?

Writing a book can often seem like a daunting endeavor, especially when you're juggling work, family, and other responsibilities. However,...

Four Writers Who Predicted the Future

Previously on Weird Worm we've discussed psychics (and one crazy leader) who made ground breaking predictions that mysteriously went absolutely nowhere. At this