Ancient Egypt is perhaps best symbolized by the Pyramids along with the Great Sphinx, a magnificent yet incredibly mysterious statue and structure.
Over the centuries, many have speculated about the Sphinx’s real purpose, but very little has actually been discovered. The Sphinx is surrounded by questions and theories, so here are some of the most puzzling and intriguing mysteries about this magnificent statue.
6We Don’t Know Who Built It

The massive statue of the mythical sphinx was created sometime around 2500 BC, however, the builder has still not been identified. The statue doesn’t have any inscriptions that prove who constructed it, when, and why.
Historians believe that the Sphinx was created for Pharaoh Khafre, who built the second Giza Pyramid, which might be supported by the writings in the stone tablet that sits at the Sphinx’s paws. Still, we might never know for sure.
5A Remarkable Achievement

The Sphinx was actually made out of limestone, and only one big piece was used to make it. The statue is over 60 feet high and 240 feet long. Just like the Pyramids, the Sphinx is an incredible feat that was way ahead of its time.
Due to this, many theories claim that the construction was, much like the pyramids, aided by aliens or some more advanced ancient civilization that was long forgotten. The Sphinx Temple, located close to the statue, was built with stone pieces weighing 200 tons, which is also quite an impressive achievement.
4The First Time

The stone tablet found at the Sphinx’s paws is named the Dream Stele, and it contains some puzzling information. The writings describe that the Sphinx has been there “since the first time,” referring to Zepi Tepi, an ancient period of time when humans and gods lived together.
Is the tale of Zepi Tepi in the tablet just a legend or is there some truth to it and could the Sphinx be much older than we think?
3Secret Spaces

Some historians believe that an ancient library named the Hall of Records is hidden under the statue and that it contains ancient knowledge and records from prehistory and the beginning of time.
Another theory states that the Hall was created by people who survived Atlantis and brought their records with them. These theories might sound impossible, however, many researchers believe that there is a secret chamber under the statue as well as underground tunnels.
Sadly, the search for the chambers requires permission from the authorities, and even though many researchers have tried to get it, all of them their requests were rejected.
2The Talking Sphinx

Ancient texts, folk tales, as well as writings on the Dream Stele, describe a man named Thutmose IV, who later became the pharaoh. He claimed that the statue spoke to him in his dreams.
Back then, the Sphinx was buried in the sand and was visible from the neck only, and according to the writings, the statue told Thutmose that he would become the pharaoh if he were to uncover the whole statue. The writings came true because the man became the pharaoh without even being next in line to become one after uncovering the whole Sphinx.
1A Statue of Anubis?

Some historians believe Pharaoh Khafre’s face is shown on the statues, but, there are others who believe that the Sphinx’s true face did not represent a human.
Many think, due to the position and stance of the statue, that the Sphinx was actually a representation of Anubis, the god of the afterlife who guards the Necropolis. The theory here states that the Giza Plateau could be the Necropolis and that the statue of Anubis was later altered for a mysterious reason.