From pet smells to dust on the TV, every home has its own unique apartment cleaning needs. Whether you are a homeowner or a professional cleaner, you need to know how to clean carpets, sofas, and windows, clean up after repairs, as well as how to approach a particular task. If you want to make your house or apartment sparkle, test your knowledge with our 15 cleaning secrets.
1. Use universal detergents

Manufacturers like to sell the consumer lots of little specialized tools and detergents that clean just one thing or surface, but that is just a marketing ploy to get you to buy more products. We often trust advertising according to livecleantoday.com: many of us boast a box full of various cleaning chemicals that we hardly use. We recommend that you use cleaning products and tools that you really need.
2. Choose the right cleaning equipment
The same is true for cleaning tools. You need to use a wide variety of household cleaning tools:
- wringer mops,
- brushes and dustpans,
- cleaning and multipurpose carts,
- tough dirt removers,
- floor scrapers.
You can keep your home free of stains and dirt with some microfiber cloths, a few sponges, a hand and brush set, a plastic vacuum cleaner scraper to help clean hard floors and carpets, and a microfiber mop.
3. Use a toothbrush
It is hard to find a tool that can beat this versatile gadget. Be sure to add an old toothbrush to your toolbox. A toothbrush will help you remove tough dirt in the tightest corners — it will also make cleaning holes easy. All the power is in the bristles. Let your toothbrush do all the work for you.
4. Mess in the first place

Most homes suffer from an excess of mess. Removing this excess material becomes the key to cleaning the house. You must find a place to store books and magazines before you can dust and sweep. If you need help, many cleaning companies offer house cleaning and organizing services.
Do not just enter a room and start cleaning. For cleaning companies like BeaverMaids and private housekeepers, having an algorithm for a big cleaning…
5. Follow the system
Do not just enter a room and start cleaning. For cleaning companies and private housekeepers, having an algorithm for a big cleaning up of an apartment is the key to effective cleaning. Start on one side of the room and then move around in a circle. This method will keep your attention focused on one task, so you will not have to get distracted and solve a new task before you finish the previous one. Every room should also be cleaned from top to bottom to avoid cross-contamination.
6. Vacuum efficiently
Speed up your vacuum cleaning with one simple solution. Connect the vacuum cleaner in the central room of the house or apartment. This solution will save you time because you can go from room to room without having to go back, unplug the cord and plug it into another outlet. If the cable is too short, use an extension cord.
Speed up your vacuum cleaning routine with one simple solution that UrbanMop‘s professional cleaners suggest; Consider connecting the vacuum cleaner to a central room in your house or apartment. Doing so saves valuable time by seamlessly transitioning from one room to another without unplugging and plugging in the cord repeatedly. If the cord length is insufficient, using an extension cord can provide the flexibility you need to clean every corner of your living space efficiently. This time-saving technique can streamline your cleaning process and make vacuuming more convenient and hassle-free.
7. Dust on electronics

Can you write “Wash me” with your finger on a flat-screen TV or computer monitor? If so, it is time to dust your electronics with the following tips.
- Unplug your TV or monitor.
- Then use a dry microfiber cloth to gently wipe the screen, if necessary.
- Dampen a cloth with distilled water or an equal ratio of distilled water and vinegar.
Never spray liquid directly on screens, be it LED, LCD, or plasma TV — you may damage it.
8. Add a fresh scent
Many cleaning products have strong chemical odors that make the house smell like a laboratory. Many cleaners make their own cleaning solutions using borax, baking soda, and vinegar and use a few drops of essential oils like lavender, grapefruit, ylang-ylang, and lemon as a fragrance.
9. Clean showerhead
Found a disgusting residue on your shower head? Knowing the basics will help you remove dirt easily. To get rid of mineral deposits on your shower head, you need to tie up a bag of vinegar and leave it overnight to allow the mineral deposits to dissolve. Rinse the showerhead in the morning, and you will find it crystal clear.
10. Remove grease

Grease often accumulates on things that are touched too often, such as door handles, light switches, and so on, this is a common thing. Experienced cleaning companies use erasers to remove sebum and dust stains. A few movements are enough, and the problem is solved.
11. Clean refrigerator compressor
To clean your refrigerator completely, be prepared for some hard work with a vacuum cleaner. You need to remove the rear skid plate of the refrigerator and vacuum up all the dust and hair around and from the compressor. Your refrigerator will not only be clean, but it will also work much more efficiently, saving money on electricity.
12. Wash the windows
There is much more than one way to clean windows; they all come down to the size of the glass. For small windows and mirrors, we recommend glass ties, rubber bands, glass scrapers; bathroom, kitchen, and window sprays. For large mirrors and windows, you will have to use a mop with a long handle and a scraper nozzle, telescopic rods, and an indoor glass cleaning kit. This professional cleaning equipment will help you improve your window cleaning, and the window washer kit will help you get higher.
13. Eliminate animal odors

Does your beloved pet sometimes leave a mess on the floor? To remove animal odors, consider the following tip:
- Use a spray bottle filled with white vinegar.
- Then, dust the area covered with vinegar with baking soda and let the mixture dry.
- Now vacuum up the remaining baking soda.
It is one of the most powerful animal odor removers.
14. Cleaning tile grout with a vacuum cleaner
If you have a tiled floor in your apartment or house, do not rush to wash it. First of all, you should vacuum or sweep the floor to remove all dirt and debris before you start mopping the floor with a cleaner.
15. Bend down
When you think you have finished cleaning, we recommend you to look at your home from a new angle. To do this, you need to get down to the floor. If you get close to the surface you are looking for, you can see if there are any dust particles left that need extra cleaning.