There’s no denying it—anyone can do with the occasional spa day. Giving your body a good old-fashioned time of pampering is one of the easiest ways to relax and rejuvenate tired and aching muscles.
Treating yourself to a pamper session can include anything from a refreshing pedicure to investing in the wrinkle relaxers Perth dermatologists often recommend. You can even have a luxurious time at home.
Creating the Spa Experience at Home
Many people put off spoiling themselves because of the cost and effort. Fortunately, creating the spa experience at home is a whole lot easier than you think. Here’s how.
1. Invest in a Comfortable Robe

Nothing says pampering quite like the feel of an oversized, organic robe against your skin. Even if you already have a well-worn, comfy robe, our relaxation experts recommend investing in a new one.
You can call it your spa robe and ONLY use it for the pamper sessions, so you always associate it with relaxation! After all, once you know how to create a spa at home, it will become a habit.
2. Buy a Few Herbal Teas
Before you sit back and relax, you’ll need to make the perfect cup of tea. Yes, on most days you may prefer a mocha latte but, the point of your spa day is to relax. And, that means limiting the caffeine.
Herbal teas are excellent for creating a sense of calm and relaxation. Since there’s a wide variety of tea flavors on the market, it’ll be easy to find one that you enjoy. Some popular options to consider include:
- Chamomile
- Peppermint
- Ginger
- Lemongrass
3. Get The Right Spa Goodies

For the perfect pampering session, you’ll need to invest in the right products. Some items that will help you create the perfect spa experience include:
- Relaxing music
- Fragrant candles
- Body mud mask
- Gentle face scrub that exfoliates
- A few slices of cucumber to help with tired eyes
- Ingredients to make your own hair mask
- Bubble bath & bath salts
- Nail brush and pumice stone
- Foot spa to give your feet a soak if you’re not going to relax in the bath
- Loofahs, massage tools, and creams to help with any aching muscles
4. Whip Up a Natural Hair Mask
When you’re setting up your pampering session, don’t forget about spoiling your hair as well. Before you lay back in your bubble-filled bath, make a hair mask that can soak into your hair while you bathe.
Our pamper experts have a wonderful recipe for your hair. For best results, make it the day before, following these steps:
- Add one tablespoon of thick conditioner to two eggs, one ounce of castor oil, one ounce of full-fat milk, and one ripe avocado
- Mix all ingredients until they form a paste
- Place in an airtight container and refrigerate overnight
- Apply to your hair in sections
Since they’re all natural products, there’s no time limit to how long you can leave them on your hair.
5. Mix Up a Batch of Cucumber and Lemon Water

In most spas, a glass of ice-cold cucumber water is considered a staple. The main reason for this is that cucumber and lemon are both very hydrating, making them a refreshing drink after a day in the bath, shower, or sauna.
Many people also associate this mixture with lowering blood pressure, aiding weight loss, and improving skin health. Besides all that, it tastes amazing! (You can even add a splash of vodka, for a more adult variation.)
6. Give Your Face an Extended Pamper
If you don’t always have time to give your face the attention it deserves, be sure to do it on your spa day. One of the things you can do on your spa day is book a session to get dermal fillers Perth residents love so much. Once you’ve made the booking, spoil your face before taking it out later for some professional treatment.
Follow these guidelines to get any facial pampering started:
- Opt for a gentle cleanser that will cleanse without stripping or burning your skin
- Use a liquid exfoliant as it’s gentler on your skin than the average scrub
- If you bought a face mask, it’s at this point that you’ll put it on – always choose one that’s hydrating and contains anti-inflammatory ingredients
- To plump up your skin, use a hyaluronic acid serum
- If you suffer from puffy eyes, it’s a good idea to add an under-eye cream
- End your face pampering off with a moisturizer specifically designed for your skin type

Final Thought
After your first spa day at home, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Combine it with professional treatments now and then for the best possible outcomes.
To make the day more fun, invite a close friend or two to join you. Everyone can be responsible for facilitating a different aspect of the spa day. Inviting a friend is also an excellent way to share the costs of the ingredients and products!