5 Benefits of Therapy Dogs for Mental & Physical Health

We all know that it can be joyful to have a pet in your home, especially around kids, and there...

Wolverized Teens

Recently a new kind of teens has been tailed. They are not Emo kids who are crying out for attention nor are they Goth teens in search for some fresh blood.

4 Stories of Notorious Thieves

Anyone can steal, but pocketing some penny candy from the corner store doesn’t get you into the headlines. These thieves stood out from the crowd, whether they wanted to or not.

8 of the Strangest Riots in History

People: they sometimes freak-out, often for strange reasons. Here's a brief write-up of eight of the strangest events that got people up in arms.

Youth Homelessness in America

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="288" caption="Image source: http://www.magazine13.com/"][/caption]Believe it or not, the world’s only superpower and

The 4 Most Bizarrely Difficult Languages to Learn

So you want to learn another language. Maybe you want to travel, to expand your knowledge, or just prepare yourself for the day when the Feds track you down and

The 5 Strangest Ways in Which People Died at Work

A bad day on the office might mean a long meeting or a nasty papercut for many people. For others, through terrible luck or professional grade foolishness, it might mean their lives.

What to do When Moving into a New City Alone? 2024 Guide

Moving into a new city alone is one of the most difficult tasks. It includes a lot of considerations and...

8 Tips for the Modern Man on How to Bond Without Booze

In the olden days, it used to be that many dads never had to change a diaper and that bars,...

Find out how you can save lives while shopping for clothes

Clothes are something we need to buy regularly for us and for our families. Now, we have a chance to...