Six Famous (Canadian) Inventions

Crack open a Labatt Blue and hold on to your snowshoes as we take you on a tour of some of the greatest Canuck inventions of all time.

6 Strange Facts About Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? That's not a rhetorical question; we're asking because in our calculations, not liking chocolate is the first sign of being a

5 Weird Weapons of World War II – the Allies

Between 1939 and 1945, one of the worst wars in history was fought out between two opposing forces that were so large and wide-spread, it became known as the

6 Famous People Who (probably) Died From Overeating

Link1. Alexander the GreatYou hear a lot about ancient peoples and their feasts/orgies. It seems it is all true and Alexander was a big fan. After a

6 Scientists Killed by Their Inventions

When exploring a new field of science it’s almost expected that some tragedies will occur because of the very ignorance the scientific community is struggling

Top 10 Countries on Earth, as Voted by Aliens

Where do Aliens go on holiday? Well, the Earth would be an obvious answer, but where on the Earth? Thanks to TV and Film, many people believe that Aliens visit

The 5 Weirdest Things People Have Fallen in Love With

1. The Berlin WallIn the last months of 1989, as the Berlin Wall came down and Germans were tearfully reunited with long lost friends and family, most people

Four Stories of Alleged Time Travellers

It’s commonly accepted that we’ll someday travel among the stars and explore the universe, but few can imagine what it would be like to travel through time… except the people claiming they already have.

6 Amazing Facts About Penisses

Penisses. Now that we have your attention, we have some pretty awesome facts about dicks. Prepared to be aroused and engorged… by facts!

6 Weird Scientific Studies

1.The "The" StudyPerhaps wanting to prove that she is second to none in the prestigious town of Crazyville, Glenda Brown carried out a study on the word