6 Amazing Facts About Penisses

Penisses. Now that we have your attention, we have some pretty awesome facts about dicks. Prepared to be aroused and engorged… by facts!

5 Mysteries of the Brain

Prepare to have your mind blown as we examine the mysteries of perhaps the most important human organ…

Crazy Celebrity Baby Names

The oddities of celebrity behavior never fails to completely baffle me, and this extends into the crazy baby names that they come up with for their children.

Six Famous (Canadian) Inventions

Crack open a Labatt Blue and hold on to your snowshoes as we take you on a tour of some of the greatest Canuck inventions of all time.

4 Weird Things Accomplished With Urine

Urine. Okay, let’s get that case of the giggles out of the way right now. Peeing is just another bodily function that needs to be done, despite the fact that

4 Unexplained Explosions

Explosions are attention grabbers, as the Hollywood crowd can easily attest. But what about mysterious explosions? Screenwriters are no doubt scrambling to harness the power of this combination.

3 Bizarre Theories About Aliens

There's a lot we don't know about the universe around us, which has given us quite a bit of room for speculation. The field of extraterrestrial theory is a

6 Weirdest Feats of Human Strength

Ever since the first caveman lifted more mammoth feces than the rest of his tribe that one time, mankind has been in a race to show off just how strong and

10 Weirdest Phones

Phones, we all use them. Some of us prefer just a cell phone, others prefer a land line, and, yet, some of us have both. No matter what kind of phone you

14 Different Types Of Weather Instruments And Why You Need Them

Weather instruments are cool tools that you should have at your workplace or home. Quantifying the different weather patterns tends...