Weekly Links #3

1. Sexy Halloween Costume Cleavage Collection [108 Photos]2. Dead photos – Victorian post-mortem photographs - Photo Gallery3. Movies and

10 Weird Sunglasses

Every person out there likes a pair of sunglasses, whether prescription or otherwise. They protect your eyes from the sun and can even conceal your identity.

5 Types of Tattoos You’ll Learn to Regret

Since man first learned to mark his body, mankind has taken place in contest to find the most bitchin' tattoo possible and scar themselves with it for the rest

11 Stunning Photos of Devastating Disasters

Nothing captures the essence of a force of nature like a well-timed photograph. These photos show eleven major natural disasters either during or after the event itself and show the devastation with unique perspectives.

7 Coolest ‘Weird Buildings’

Designing a weird building is pretty simple: choose a form in which buildings are not usually built (a top hat, a strawberry, male genitalia etc) and then build

6 Ways to Store Your Personal Identification

In this day and age of near Big-Brother levels of surveillance (and we're not just talking about that terrible excuse for a television show here), you pretty

4 Cops Who Behaved Very, Very Badly

Ah, the good old police force. We look to them for protection, to keep the peace and we also enjoy that faint odor of bacon that accompanies them everywhere

Weekly Links #5

1. Benjamin Button Monkey - Sad Ugly Monkey2. Costume Fails - Fail Photos3. Very strange baby costume - Photo Gallery4.

6 Weirdest Traditions Still Respected Nowadays

We all have strange family traditions, but however traumatizing it may be to see your uncle get drunk every Thanksgiving and wrestle with the turkey because

The 10 Most Useless G.I. Joe Characters

Back before it was okay for dudes to be obsessed with magical ponies, little boys spent their playtime miming horrific acts of violence. The biggest benefactor of this was GI Joe, and Hasbro was more than willing to exploit this trend by producing a staggering number of stupid characters.