5 Dark Facts About Hollywood

We rarely look past the money and fame when it comes to Hollywood but recent scandals have made people wonder about what really goes on behind the scenes. Lifestyles of the biggest stars are incredibly complicated, especially when you see what they have to do every day to stay rich and famous. Check out some dark facts and stories about Hollywood that will definitely change your perspective.

5 Unintentionally Racist Casting Decisions

Let’s just get something straight: like it or not, racism has never exactly been a stranger to cinema. Why do you think there have only been four black men to

6 Badass Movie Priests

Movies have always been littered with badass characters, ranging from soldiers to gangsters to knights to cops to, well, pretty much anything you can think of.

4 Weird Broadway Musicals

Broadway continues to be the last refuge of the musical. Once a driving force in entertainment, musicals have lately been all but extinguished in the cinema. On

Top 5 Tough Latinas From Action Movies

One might think that when it comes to our various forms of entertainment, we’d have long since moved past the days of clichéd characters and racial

7 Strange Stories About Famous Movie Props

A lot of thought goes into choosing the perfect movie props that look great on camera and add to the story of the film. Sometimes, the whole movie can be centered around one important prop. But have you ever wondered how some iconic props were made? What happened to them when the filming was over? Check out some really interesting and even strange stories about famous movie props.

10 Egocentric TV Characters

Everyone likes a good TV show that will kill some time before bed. These shows will either make you think or melt away the worries of the day with laughter

Evolution of Horror Legends: Chucky

In our previous article we discussed everyone’s favorite burn victim, Freddy Krueger. For this entry in our series we’ll be talking about a significantly

8 Most Unintentionally Hilarious Movie Sex Scenes

A well placed and filmed sex scene can enhance a film, particularly if it helps serve the story and isn’t a gratuitous attempt to get a little nudity into the running time. However, it’s amazing how badly anyone outside of the adult film industry can get these scenes so horribly, horribly wrong. It feels like more often than not, movie sex scenes just make the audience uneasy and wishing they were

5 Best to Worst Youngified Movie Characters

Thanks to computers, Hollywood effects are making giant leaps forward in terms of fooling audiences. The problem with being on the cutting edge is that a couple of months and a few million dollars can be the difference between your effect blowing minds or just blowing.