4 Things To Know About Electric Hair Removal

What Is It? Electric Hair Removal is the application of electric current in the removal of hair from the body. Does this...

4 Most Unfortunate Motorsport Races

While many fans deny it, the appeal of auto racing is often in the ever-present danger of a fiery crash. We all know the drivers and spectators alike can be easily killed; after all, it’s been happening for over a hundred years.

Unicorn Makeup Brushes & Brush Sets – The Perfect Gifts This Year

The unicorn as a brand is not only successful but also has with each passing days won the respect and...

Turning Toothbrushes Into Bracelets: Step by Step

People have gotten really creative lately with reusing old objects they no longer need. Rather than throw these things away there's a movement to give them new life. But how do you reuse an old toothbrush? Turns out you make it a fashion item. Here are a few simple steps to make a bracelet (and don't worry, it'll be clean).

5 Edibles Invented by Accident

While we take a lot of the foods and flavors we enjoy today for granted, they come as the result of several thousand years of experimentation, research and the occasional fuckup.

5 Strangest Places in North Korea

North Korea is a land shrouded by mystery, and has remained isolated for decades. As you might expect, this has lead to some… oddities in their culture.

The 4 Craziest People on the Internet

Most of the people who use the Internet fall somewhere between Charles Manson and Street-Corner-Hobo-With-Surprisingly-Strong-Religious-Convictions on the crazy

11 of the Dumbest Hoaxes

It's amazing that anyone fell for these stupid hoaxes last year. #9 was so obvious. How did news sites get so easily tricked?

5 Last-Minute Moving Hacks To Make Your Transition Easier

When you have to organize your move, you need to think about so many things. First, you have to make...

7 Sports Phrases That Make Us Snicker Like 12 Year Olds

If you’re like us, you love sitting around watching some sports with a frosty adult beverage in hand. It’s just a good time to shoot the breeze with your