Beauty Is Bizarre

I love to explore and be enriched by other cultures, including subcultures within my own. When I travel, I am enthralled with the differences, and the

The Tree Man of Java

Dede Koswara is a 35 year old fisherman in Indonesia. As a teenager, he cut his knee, and ever since then strange growths have covered his body. The growths on

5 Insane Marriage Rituals From Around the World

A marriage can be a wonderful and joyous occasion full of happiness, laughter and unicorn farts for two very lucky people. In other cases, it can be an exercise

10 Weird Cat Behaviors

Cats. You’ve seen them doing weird and outrageous stuff all over the Internet and their absurd behavior has made them the poster children of the most cute and

5 People That Have Been Eaten by Animals

There are people that have strange animals as pets and then there are wild animals that look at humans as food. The animals that look at us as food are the

10 Weird Beer Facts

"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does

10 (Weird) Things That People Find Attractive

In order for people to find a life partner or a potential mate there needs to be some kind of attraction. What we find attractive about a person is completely

10 Weirdest Dog Breeds

Dogs have always been considered to be man’s best friend. Well these dogs may be loyal and friendly their appearances are something to contend with. These

The 9 Weirdest Looking Cat Breeds

Cats have always been a beloved pet of many and while most people restrict themselves to the common domestic shorthair there are a number of cats that can

8 of the Most Ridiculous Sports Losses of All Time

Of course there have always been bad losses in sports. However, sometimes the loss is so bad, and the story behind it so ridiculous, that it transcends the