Top 5 Fanboy Grievances: Superhero Movie Franchises

It is a given that translating comics to film will inevitably anger some of the most hardcore and passionate of the fan-base. What types of “creative”

Top 6 Most Obscure TV Spinoffs From Popular Shows

By the Notorious M.G.If a TV show is a smash hit, it makes perfect sense to attempt to duplicate that success, right? That’s certainly what utterly

5 Weird Stage Personas of Popular Musicians

There’s a reason why rock n’ roll stars always seem to be larger than life. In the world of popular music, it’s not enough to be a talented songwriter

5 Types of People That Make Public Transportation a Nightmare

It takes a lot to make gridlock and hour long commutes seem appealing. Specifically, the lot of people that make use of public transit.

10 Weird Sunglasses

Every person out there likes a pair of sunglasses, whether prescription or otherwise. They protect your eyes from the sun and can even conceal your identity.

20 Weird Superstitions

These are some crazy and weird superstitions. Feel free to add some more, I know there are so many of them in this world. #01The number 13.It's just a

Six Brands in the Movies You Can’t Find in the Store

Hollywood lives and dies on creating a sense of realism in its films. That includes brands that the characters actually use. The problem being, of course, that

Four Legendary Thieves

It’s a lot harder to be a thief these days. DNA evidence, complex computer systems and cameras everywhere… that’s why the most notorious thieves are either dead, in jail or in political office.

9 of the Coolest Movie Intros

It used to be that movies had captive audiences. They already had your money once you’d bought a ticket or rented it. Now with streaming services and a hundred other ways to consume media, they need to make sure they draw you in from the start. They need… an awesome introduction.

Dexter’s Big Bads: From Best to Worst

The Guinness Book of World Records was created to end arguments in pubs. Internet lists ranking characters from TV shows were created to start them. Dexter fans: discuss.