Bizarre Religious Rituals

Religion is very important to many people and your personal religion is something that every individual can be very dedicated to. But there is no denying that

8 Camera Type Choices Explained

In our culture today, a picture is absolutely worth a thousand words. A drunk picture on Facebook says, "I really have no grasp about the true reach of social

6 Amazing Facts About Penisses

Penisses. Now that we have your attention, we have some pretty awesome facts about dicks. Prepared to be aroused and engorged… by facts!

4 Great Scientific Hoaxes

There's always people with a desire to be the first to discover something. For some, there's also a desire to trick a whole bunch of people into believing wacky

5 Common Mistakes With Exterior Painting

Exterior painting is something that is less commonly taken on by DIY’ers compared to interior decorating as it can often...

7 Expert Reasons Why Everyone Needs an Electric Lift Chair

Many people regard the perfect recliner as the ultimate luxury item. While some people prefer a single chair, nestled quietly...

Six Ridiculous Fictional Races From Otherwise Good Franchises

Nothing is worse than defending your favorite franchise, trying to convince someone about the philosophical underpinnings and subtlety that make it great… only to have a ridiculous aspect, or entire race, thrown right in your face.

6 Types of StarCraft II Players

There are two types of people on this planet (and off of it, we suppose, if we include spacefarers in this statement): those who play StarCraft II online, and

10 Tips and Ideas for Organizing Your Living Room – 2024 Ideas

Your living room need not have the most expensive furniture or appliances for it to stand out. You only have...

10 Weird Beer Facts

"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does