9 Local Commericals: So Bad They Are Good & So Bad They Are Bad

When economic times are tough, small companies and businesses are often the first to feel the hits. In order to get some cash flowing again many a proprietor

5 Tourism Attractions for the Suicidal

Call us crazy, but our idea of a lovely vacation is to sit ourselves down somewhere warm, sandy, adjacent to a body of water and imbibe heroic quantities of whatever local intoxicant is available. Oh, and also to not die.

5 Accidental Discoveries

It’s better to be lucky than good. At least, it was for these people who stumbled upon the invention that made them famous enough to be included in stupid internet list articles.

The Weird Experiences of 7 Dead Bodies

Living is hard, dying is easy. And you would think being dead would be easiest of all. But as the weird experiences of these seven people show, sometimes death

11 of the Dumbest Hoaxes

It's amazing that anyone fell for these stupid hoaxes last year. #9 was so obvious. How did news sites get so easily tricked?

10 Weird Superheroes You Might Not Have Heard About

All superheroes are a little weird - weird superheroes. They come from different planets, or they’re mutants, or perhaps they gained their abilities through

10 Bizarre Events and Discoveries

Many strange and unexplained events have been documented in modern history, events that raise important questions and baffle world populations. These events

6 Weird Transportation Methods

Driving your car around town is pretty tedious, walking takes forever to get anywhere, biking or skateboarding makes anyone who isn’t a teenager look weird

Moving Down the Hall? Here’s Your Game Plan

First, thoroughly inspect your new unit and make sure it's move-in ready. Look for any maintenance issues that need addressing...

6 Movie Characters With (Actual) God-Like Powers

Take a look at six movie characters who borrowed from God’s own bag of tricks, without actually playing God.