8 Facts About Nuclear Weapons

The specter of nuclear weapons lingers over us all. Mankind's deadliest weapons have been front-and-center of global affairs for decades. However, many myths have been perpetuated about these weapons and their effects. What follows are eight facts.

The 3 Biggest Things Done in a Small Amount of Time

When a big project needs doing, you will always hear the builders bitching about the amount of time and manpower it’ll take to finish such a ‘massive’

6 Enlightening Facts About the Egyptian Sun God Ra

Have we surpassed the wisdom of one of the oldest civilizations, or do we still have something to learn from...

5 Creepiest Creatures From Native American Mythology

Every nation and culture has its own mythical creatures, some of which are benevolent and kind whereas others can be quite ferocious. We are all familiar with the creatures from Greek or Roman mythology who were annihilated by brave heroes. However, the mythology of Native American tribes is quite different and more horrific, especially when it comes to evil forces or creatures. Usually, those cre

From Hammurabi to High-Tech ─ The Evolution of Bail Bonds

The concept of bail bonds is deeply rooted in the justice system, acting as a guarantee that an accused person...

Three Bizarre (And Failed) Coups

Power struggles often develop into flat out coup attempts. When successful, they can very well shift the course of history with a simple change of who is in

These Are the Most Defiant “Last Words” in History

This list covers two categories of last words: those that went out on a joke and those that stared down their end with courage. But what they all have in common is a lack of fear in death.

You’ll Never See Creepier Masks and Helmets Than These

There's something inherently unnerving about hiding one's face, but some masks and helmets go the extra mile—often times unintentionally. Even when their purpose isn't malicious these eleven examples are amongst the creepiest masks and helmets in history.

Four Famous Generals (And Their Major Mistakes)

Pobody’s nerfect. And while little errors like that don’t mean squat in the scheme of things, the snafu’s committed by the gentlemen were a lot more costly.

4 Historic Conspiracy Theories

Most conspiracy theories deal with shadowy societies that control our lives/governments/meat supply. But there are also those that make claims about historical events and individuals… claims that ultimately matter little and are usually unprovable. Or as conspiracy theorists would say: goldmines.