10 of the Worst Weapons in History

Desperate times call for desperate measures, or so the old cliché goes, and war is the most desperate time of all. But if you're too desperate you end up with weapons that simply don't work. Here are only ten such examples.

8 Mysterious Lands That Were Lost in the Ocean

Today, our planet looks completely different compared to 335 million years ago. In fact, there was only one giant continent back then, and it is known as Pangaea. Over time, Pangaea started to separate into multiple smaller landmasses which eventually become the continents we know today. As the massive land was breaking down and changing its looks, not all its parts remained on the surface. Unfort

Five of the Most Notorious Doctors in History

Some people claim you’d have to be crazy to put up with four years of undergrad, four years of medical school, internships, residencies and so on just to hang out with sick people all day. These fellows prove there might be something to that theory.

The 3 Biggest Things Done in a Small Amount of Time

When a big project needs doing, you will always hear the builders bitching about the amount of time and manpower it’ll take to finish such a ‘massive’

Blacksheep: the Mortifying Siblings of 7 Famous People

There’s one in every family. However, having a brother or sister who is an embarrassment is magnified a hundredfold when you’re famous. Here are 6 examples

5 Creepiest Creatures From Native American Mythology

Every nation and culture has its own mythical creatures, some of which are benevolent and kind whereas others can be quite ferocious. We are all familiar with the creatures from Greek or Roman mythology who were annihilated by brave heroes. However, the mythology of Native American tribes is quite different and more horrific, especially when it comes to evil forces or creatures. Usually, those cre

5 Famous Skulls From History

Heads: barring some sort of tragic motorcycle accident, we've all got one. But sometimes something as common as the bones necessary to our existence can

17 of the Most Horrifying Torture Devices Ever Conceived

Torture isn’t particularly fun to think about, so we can only imagine how horrific it must be to actually have it done to you. Fortunately we as a society have pretty much done away with forms of brutal torture, unless you’re name is Jack Bauer and you’re just trying to save the world again. But looking back at the way the world used to be is pretty eye opening when you think about the sick deprav

4 Natural Disasters That Changed History

A natural disaster is a horrible thing. Tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis… they can ruin, disrupt and end millions of lives. And as if that weren’t enough, they can sometimes alter the very course of human history.

4 Lucky Military Moments

It’s not always the strongest or the smartest who wins a battle; sometimes it comes down to dumb luck. Check out the four luckiest moments in military history… at least for the victors.