8 Ways to Take Care of your Body after Giving Birth

According to the United Nations report, an approximate amount of 130 million babies are born each day all over the...

7 Weird Sleeping Habits

Being sound asleep isn’t as calm and as peaceful as movies make it out to be. Every night, a countless...

5 Health Benefits of Using CBD

The fact is that the cannabis plant has been known to mankind for centuries, even for millennia. This herb, also...

Pros and Cons of Drinking Coffee

Coffee is a liquid that all of us are found drinking. It can be used to kick-start our mornings or...

The Truth About Vaping: It Is Less Dangerous Than Smoking?

Are you one of the smokers who have been unsuccessfully trying to leave this addiction for years? Maybe you have...

I am 9 Weeks Pregnant

Congratulations! You are making it out of the first trimester considered to be full of risks as far as the...

6 Reasons Running Outdoors Is the Best Exercise

With all of the recent advances in exercise technology, you'd figure that someone would have pretty much perfected it by now. Over the course of the last few

4 Spine Injuries From Too Much Movement + Solutions

The spine that is known as the core of everything in the human skeletal system is known to keep the...

4 Early Signs of Labor

First-time moms are always wondering how their future labor will take, how will it feel, how to know if it...

Best Toothbrush You Should Use

There are so many choices of toothbrushes on the supermarket shelves - hard, soft, large head, small head, manual or...