Terrible Valentine’s Day Gifts

Valentine's Day is, among many other things, a sham. Look at it: if you're not in a relationship by the time it hits, you're absolutely rocked. If you are in a

8 Things Grandmas and College Students Have in Common

When you think of things that are similar, grandmas and college students probably aren't the first things that come to mind. You'd probably think of cats and

Eight (Bad) Ways People Talk on the Web

The internet is perhaps the greatest achievement in the history of human communication. It has brought together people from all corners of the world in a manner

5 MORE Popular Nerd Arguments

Last time we discussed five classic nerd arguments found across the internet. This time we’ll be discussing five more incredibly popular debates which also

Top 7 Funniest and Oddest Animal Moments

Beautiful moments spent with animals teach us the lessons of life. But these videos have absolutely nothing in common with these moments! On the contrary, these

13 Strangest Things on Google Street View

Google Street View has done a lot of good: they’ve made maps available to everyone for free… They’ve made it so kids today don’t have to deal with Mapquest’s bullshit… and they’ve catalogued a great deal of insanity along the way.

4 Weirdest Stand-Up Comedians

Everyone likes a good laugh. Sometimes, the comedians are so funny they can cause tears to stream down our faces. Others, will be so dry in their deliveries

The 7 Worst Types of Gifts Ever

When it comes to shopping for gifts, you'd think that most of us would pretty much have it down to a science by now. After all, it's something that pretty much

12 of Your Most Common Dreams… and What They Mean

Dreams represent more than just random fragments strung together from our waking lives. At least we’d like to think they mean more. Searching for the

Makeup Artist Transforms Her Face Into Her Favorite Cartoon Characters

Laura Jenkins is a London based brilliant makeup artist who brings various cartoon characters to life on her own face, or to be more precise on her mouth. This is what happens when you have a makeup artist who is also a true cartoon enthusiast and has kept her inner child alive. Leave her alone with her makeup for just enough time and it is inevitable that at some point she’ll decide to address he