Five Facts About Elephants (That Aren’t Really True)

Stereotypes hurt. Some are negative: insinuating certain groups can’t drive well, are inherently lazy, all look the same or pronounce “about”

These Photos Will Change the Way You Think About the Ocean

We think of the ocean as a serene place. The sight, the smell, the sound... it's all so peaceful. But often what we see is merely the surface. Sometimes it takes a difference perspective to get a better grasp of what's underneath the waves.

Bizarre Mammals

There is a massive variety of life on this planet. Animals form only a portion of the biodiversity we see, and with that, only about 5% of species are

5 Reasons To Visit A Llama Farm With Your Kids

There are a lot of questions focusing on this friendly animal, and there is a lot to know about them....

6 Ways Pets Keep You Thin

In this world, there are pet people and there are… not-pet people. Then, of course, there are people who treat their pets better than their own children, but

Why Feed your Dog from a Dog Treat Puzzle Toy

Does your dog get bored easily? Do they eat too quickly? A dog treats puzzle toy may be the solution...

These 9 Animals Are Closer to Human Than You Think

We may think that we as people are significantly different from animals, but as time goes on we are learning more ways that we are similar to the creatures around us. Here are nine animals that have what were once distinctly human traits.

Important Reasons to Head to Pet Urgent Care

When it comes to our furry friends, their health and well-being are of utmost importance. Just like humans, pets can...

These 11 Real-Life Superpowers Will Change How You Think About Nature

Nature is wild but wise. Many creatures have evolved over time to adapt to an ever-changing world, leading some to develop what us humans might consider superpowers. Below are eleven of the coolest and most surprising abilities found in wildlife.

Can Bears Smell Through Packaged Food – 2024 Guide

Bears are known for their keen sense of smell, which helps them to locate and catch their prey. They have...