4 Human Jobs Outsourced to Animals

As if Americans weren’t already irrationally afraid of all the best jobs being stolen by illegal immigrants, now they have to contend with the rest of the animal kingdom trying to horn in on their board meetings and casual Fridays…

The Benefits of 5 Common Pests

Think before you swat. Those pesky insects infesting your house and making off with your picnic basket are doing more for you than you know…

How to Choose the Best Cat Repellent

If you are looking for a cat repellent, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by the number of options available...

These 9 Animals Are Closer to Human Than You Think

We may think that we as people are significantly different from animals, but as time goes on we are learning more ways that we are similar to the creatures around us. Here are nine animals that have what were once distinctly human traits.

7 Obscure World Wonders You Should Know About

Our world is home to many incredible places, and while we all know about the classic seven wonders of the world, there are some amazing locations that not a lot of people are familiar with. Hidden around the world, these unknown wonders will definitely surprise you and make you think about the beauty of our planet. Here are 7 astonishing wonders of the world that you might not have known about.

6 Animals That Evolved to Be Better Actors Than You

We all know that there are famous actors out there. Al Pacino is one of them. Morgan Freeman is another. But, odds are, you are not one of these actors. In

These 10 Animals Have Unbelievable Abilities

Despite our best attempts to classify it, nature will not be put into a simple box. Animals have evolved in ways that we are still struggling to understand long after their discoveries. These are only ten such examples.

Decoding Feline Whispers and Unlocking the Secret Language of Your Cat’s Health

Our feline companions possess a unique ability to communicate with us, even though they can't use spoken words. Their language...

Animal Oddities – the Strangest Animals [Gallery]

Is animal oddities Mother Nature’s way of telling us to let things happen naturally and stop giving animals hormones and to stop using pesticides? You be the

Top 12 Weirdest Frogs

Here’s an article with something for everyone. If you are a dude then chances are you inexplicably enjoy staring at images of hideous frogs. In fact you