Are you searching for adjectives beginning with W? You may not think W is a very common letter, but actually, there are lots of adjectives that start with W. It is hard to list all of them in a single article, so we will share with you a short list while with the most useful ones.
Take a look at this well-prepared and wonderful list of adjectives that start with W from Greenopolis.com. To be wise, you are advised to add more W adjectives to this list!
1. Warm
Definition: having or producing a comfortably high temperature, although not hot
Example: Are you warm enough or do you want me to put the heating on?
2. Weak
Definition: not physically strong
Example: The electromagnetic field strength becomes weaker as you move further away from high voltage cables.
3. Weekly

Definition: happening once a week or every week
Example: The account pays 5.09% gross a year, but the rate is updated on a weekly basis.
4. Wealthy
Definition: rich
Example: With their natural resources they are potentially a very wealthy country.
5. Weepy
Definition: feeling likely to cry
Example: Seeing a bride always made her feel weepy.
6. Weird
Definition: very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural
Example: He was sitting alone by a window with a weird contraption on the table in front of him.
7. Well

Definition: healthy; not ill
Example: When she came home from school she really didn’t look well.
8. Welcome
Definition: If someone is welcome, you are pleased when they visit you
Example: Come and see us whenever you’re in town – you’re always welcome.
9. Well-known
Definition: known or recognized by many people
Example: The book is by a well-known historian.
10. West
Definition: the direction in which the sun goes down in the evening, opposite to the east, or the part of an area or country that is in this direction
Example: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
11. Wet

Definition: covered in water or another liquid
Example: My bike got wet in the rain.
12. Wanted
Definition: wished for and loved by other people
Example: She was a much wanted baby.
13. White
Definition: of a colour like that of snow, milk, or bone
Example: He is wearing a white T-shirt.
14. Whole
Definition: complete or not divided
Example: There’s still a whole month till my birthday.
15. Warm-hearted

Definition: kind and loving
Example: She’s a good, warm-hearted woman.
16. Wide
Definition: having a larger distance from one side to the other than is usual or expected, especially in comparison with the length of something; not narrow
Example: There is a wide river in front.
17. Wild
Definition: uncontrolled, violent, or extreme
Example: It was a wild night, with the wind howling and the rain pouring down.
18. Wilful
Definition: (of something bad) done intentionally or (of a person) determined to do exactly as you want, even if you know it is wrong
Example: The present crisis is the result of years of wilful neglect by the council.
19. Willing

Definition: to be happy to do something if it is needed
Example: If you’re willing to fly at night, you can get a much cheaper ticket.
20. Winning
Definition: that has won something
Example: Have you heard the winning act in this year’s singing contest?
21. Worth
Definition: having a particular value, especially in money
Example: Heroin worth about $5 million was seized.
22. Wireless
Definition: not needing wires to make a connection or to communicate
Example: They have a plan to link 9,700 office buildings to the Net via a high-speed wireless network.
23. Wise

Definition: having or showing the ability to make good judgments, based on a deep understanding and experience of life
Example: Looking at the weather, I think we made a wise decision not to go to the coast this weekend.
24. Witty
Definition: using words in a clever and funny way
Example: He was witty and very charming.
25. Wrong
Definition: not correct
Example: Three of your answers were wrong.
26. Wonderful
Definition: extremely good
Example: We had a wonderful time in Italy last summer.
27. Wondrous

Definition: extremely and surprisingly good
Example: Our new improved moisturizer has wondrous effects on tired-looking skin.
28. Wooden
Definition: made of wood
Example: The house was surrounded by a tall, wooden fence.
29. Wordless
Definition: without any words
30. Worried
Definition: unhappy because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that might happen
Example: She was sitting behind her desk with a worried look on her face.

You know, the letter W has its long history as a confused letter. When the Greeks borrowed it from the ancient Egyptians – who utilized the letter as a hieroglyph that stood for a snake – they offered W to 2 letters in their alphabet.
The Greeks utilized W as the basis for both an F-type letter, as well as a U-type letter. When the Romans then borrowed it from the Greeks, they made things even more complex by utilizing W reciprocally with U as well as V.
Not sure when exactly, but some time after the Middle Ages, U and V developed into their very own letters in the English language. In today’s English, W firmly stands for the the “W” sound in English, but in numerous international languages, W is still pronounced as “V” and the other way around. If you speak German, you’ll found German a perfect example of this.
Congratulations on reading all the way to the end of this witty collection of adjectives that start with letter W. There are a whole lot more of these W adjectives than most individuals anticipate, but we hope that you discovered exactly what you wanted. So equip yourself with more descriptive words that begin with W and you’ll see improvement in your English soon!