The device for warming up wax for hair removal is extremely necessary for you if you have already gotten the help of doing wax beauty treatments at home, without the help of a master.
You can find them in any specialty store in a wide range. But which one to choose: cassette or canned? If you have not yet decided, we offer a short review of wax, waxes for depilation and a selection of cosmetologist’s advice on how to choose a device.
What is Wax Warmer?

Warming up wax for epilation in a saucepan today is equal to primitive methods. Why endure discomfort when there is a special mechanized device. In addition, the wax gets cold very quickly, and to process all the necessary areas, and it needs to be reheated several times. All at once, too, it cannot be used, so that later he did not over cool when removing.
There are no such problems with waxing. The device not only melts the wax but also maintains the necessary temperature for a set time, thereby allowing you to complete the procedure quickly and without agony.
Cartridge Wax:

Cartridge wax is equipped with a special cassette with wax and roller applicator. When the substance is heated, a roller with a thin layer applies it to the body.
The device is convenient because the wax does not spread, is applied with an even thin strip in the right place and keeps the temperature until it leaves the cartridge. In addition, it is almost impossible for them to get burned. This is ideal for warm waxing on the arms and legs (in easily accessible places where hair grows in one direction).
Cartridge wax heaters are distinguished by power supply mechanisms. Some models are designed to be connected to the mains using a cord. Others are powered through a special base on the principle of an electric kettle.
Recent devices are in great demand because the work is much more convenient. They come with a base of two and three cartridges, the standard volume of which is 100 ml.
A positive quality of such devices for waxing depilation cosmetologists call the vertical arrangement of wax, which does not allow him, being in a liquid state, to flow out.
The amount of consumable product can be controlled through a special transparent window. Consumers consider the lack of a temperature timer a disadvantage of a wax heater for depilation. The wax is heated standardly in all cases to 45-50 degrees.
The can device for wax depilation is equipped with a container and a thermostat that warms the mixture to 50-60 degrees. It is more suitable for hot waxing of hard-to-reach places with hair growing in different directions (bikini area, knees, groin).
1How to Choose a Heater for Cartridges? – Some Important Tips

We will understand how to choose the wax from a variety of others. In order not to regret wasted money and time, cosmetologists advice when choosing to pay attention to:
1. The number of tanks for heated cartridges (can be from 1 to 3).
2. There are separate switches for each cassette. They allow you to store the contents of the cartridges with equipment for waxing depilation.
3. Cartridge manufacturer and device. They must be issued by one firm. In operation, the roller turns over, and a loosely mounted cassette will shed the wax, ruining the work area.
4. The way to connect to the network.
2Choosing a Heater for Wax in Banks: Recommendations
Can waxing machines are often used by private masters. If you are one of them, and you want to acquire just such a device when making a purchase, ask:
1. The volume of banks (400-800 ml).
2. Existence of function of support of the set temperature.
3. Existence of the completing support to a removable pot.
4. The presence of handles for carrying a hot substance.
Consider that at home, wax does not recommend heating over 50 degrees, therefore, it is recommended to use cartridge devices. Also, before choosing to wax, weigh all the pros and cons of specific features: a cassette device will allow you to make a beauty procedure neatly, and a can will make more wax melt.
Do not forget to check user reviews on best wax before buying. You can check it on 5productreviews.com. Before use, carefully read the recommendations on how to use a wax heater for depilation at home, so as not to harm yourself.