You may have a notion of a matchmaker as a wise person having enough experience to bring two «green young individuals» together. Today’s professional matchmaking agency is rather a big company employing highly skilled staff who make up a close-knit team whose aim is to connect happy couples. So, the initial concept is correct to a certain extent, but this time mistakes are not an option.
1. What do matchmaking agencies actually do?
If a really professional matchmaking company takes on the project of finding you a compatible partner for a serious relationship, you can be sure that its specialists will implement it wholeheartedly and in an expert way. You can be sure that its specialists will implement it wholeheartedly and in an expert way. If you want to check how matchmakers function, click here.
It all starts from verification since you want to become the matchmaker’s client. Its reliability is based on a strict system of check-outs necessary for its high standards of effectiveness. Not everyone can become a reputable matchmaking agency’s client. In fact, you will need to furnish various personal information about you first, and being above 21 and not married is just a little piece of it.
Moreover, a matchmaking service specialist will ask you about the very reason you are calling, about your interests, education, professional skills, about your values. Be ready for a question about your dating experience with obligatory reference to possible reasons you haven’t succeeded in it.
You even have to be ready for a sort of little inquiry to be set up in your environment, but all this is done for safety. Now you can see that it would be practically impossible to meet a «wrong person» even on the first interview date. All the process is then confidential and secure.
On the other hand, your matchmaking service requires in-depth information about you in order to make a substantial profile for you and understand your personality better. For this purpose, matchmaking agencies organize in-person interviews after which the matchmaking experts will be able to adopt an approach to your individual case and select the most suitable candidates for you.
You have to understand that the matchmaking service’s goal is either a marriage or a lasting relationship and this is exactly the thing that distinguishes it from usual dating apps and websites.
Matchmaking services may include:
- coaching the clients before and after dates in order to improve their self-confidence and the very process of dating;
- calculating the most compatible partners for the client with the help of computer algorithms and professional work of the matchmaking coaches;
- the first date meeting usually for about 20 people who have small talks and get to know each other in the most comfortable way —during this set couples are often made;
- various events which can be group or face-to-face and can be very entertaining.
Do professional matchmakers differ from each other?
Although all matchmaking companies serve the same goal, they can vary in the way they work with their clients. Then three general types of matchmakers can be defined:
- a full-service matchmaking agency that offers full expert services, that is each client obtains complete guidance from the first interview up to a happy marriage;
- a cross-bred type of matchmakers which interviews its clients to make their profiles, then match them and finally let them actually date each other;
- a computer algorithm matchmaking agency that selects partners with the help of online interviews that will be processed by the computer program.
How much do matchmaking services cost?
Needless to say, such elite matchmaking services require significantly more payment than usual dating sites and apps — it averages between $10,000 and $50,000 per year. Most agencies have a minimum package with a definite number of dates available for a lower price. And this can be enough for you to find your soulmate as professional matchmaking agencies show really strong performance.
Note that the price depends on other factors, too, for example, your age and location can play a significant role. You can also order a special arrangement of your dates, so, the more complicated the scheme is, the higher the price.
2. Who may need personal matchmaking services?
The main distinguishing characteristic of the matchmaking service is its professional team ready to advise you on various issues. This can be helpful for several groups of people, namely:
- busy professionals who simply do not have time to arrange their personal life, so they need a personal matchmaker to find them a serious partner and carry out the dates;
- divorced or widowed people who need to be prepared for getting in touch with someone new and dating them after an isolation period which can be actually long enough to cause trouble;
- single people who, for some reason, undergo difficulties often related to personality problems while dating — professional help from the matchmaking experts may be the only solution for them;
- people looking for a meaningful match in a foreign country — you may have heard how insecure international dating can be, but in the case of matchmaking services, many of which support international dates worldwide, the way the whole process is arranged presupposes good safety and a surefire success.
3. How to choose the best matchmaking service?
There are multiple matchmaking services, but how to choose your best? You should focus on the following features which are crucial for your cooperation with any matchmakers:
- Confidentiality. Neither a datum of your personal information nor your photos should be accessible online. Although your matchmaker collects your data, it should supply you with privacy which can be of paramount importance in relation to your family members, colleagues, or clients.
- Security. It goes without saying that you should not worry about the people you are going to date with. All profiles made by the matchmaking agency should be verified in every way.
- Top-quality services. Your matchmaking agency won’t be cheap, so you have to be sure that it is worth paying. It just cannot get off with old-fashioned meetings at a cafe or at the theater. Today’s matchmaker can offer you a much more entertaining service that will allow you to enjoy the whole process.
- Service customizability and support. A reliable matchmaker will offer you a guaranteed number of dates, but you will be also able to pause and then recommence the service at any time. Every date should finish in a sort of report from you — the same will be done by the other party. It serves to attune the following dates to your wishes and make your experience better.
- Ratings and reviews. Professional matchmaking services today are business companies that, of course, «interact with customers» and can be ranked by the rating agencies the same way as any other business. So, if your matchmaker has an A+ from BBB and thousands of reviews on ConsumerAffairs.com, this should prove your choice.
So, if you choose a professional matchmaking service to help you find your perfect match and build a lasting alliance with them, your destiny is indeed in your hands, and you can be positive about your future personal life.