8 Ridiculous Celebrity Endorsements

When you get to be a big enough celebrity, you’re often asked to endorse things. Sometimes they make sense, like when Michael Jordan tries to sell you overpriced sneakers, or Paris Hilton makes a commercial for herpes. Wait, no, sorry, she actually endorsed cheeseburgers. Serves us right to make assumptions without paying attention to what the ad was selling. Anyway, some celebrity endorsements, l

5 of the Weirdest Ways to Die

1. Too much of a good thing - Water IntoxicationIn June of 2007 Jennifer Lea Strange joined a short list of people who drank themselves to death with water

Weird and Funny Baby Behavior

Babies can act very weird sometimes. Since babies don't know what they are doing the only thing left is to laugh and enjoy their facial

7 Weird Ways That Robots Are Used for War

Robots were first created in order to help mankind. They were made to lessen loads, and make life easier for...

5 Adventures to Experience in the Salton Sea Area in California

The Salton Sea area in California is one of the most interesting, unique, and quite bizarre places in the United...

Strange and Weirdest Twitter Accounts

Social networks are a big part of our life, and no one can argue with that. There are many different...