20 of the Creepiest Places on Earth

Places can be creepy for a lot of reasons, whether it’s a terrifying history, ominous architecture, or the eerie sense of unease that comes from simply having been abandoned. Yet that doesn’t stop any of us from finding creepy old places fascinating, and the adventurer in all of us is always thinking about checking them out in person because, really, we’ve all got to die sometime, right? Here are

5 Tourism Attractions for the Suicidal

Call us crazy, but our idea of a lovely vacation is to sit ourselves down somewhere warm, sandy, adjacent to a body of water and imbibe heroic quantities of whatever local intoxicant is available. Oh, and also to not die.

Five Lost Treasures (People Are Still Looking For)

Crack out your compass, map and best Indiana Jones impression, because lost treasures are still a thing. Fame, fortune and (we assume) lucrative movie deals await the brave soul to locate these mysterious caches…

5 Insane Festivals

Festivals are our way of celebrating the strangest things in a group of like-minded individuals. However, when we say ‘strange’, some festivals certainly go

8 Creepy Abandoned Places

There’s something innately scary about abandoned places. Maybe it’s the possible story behind the lack of people. Maybe it’s because you fear what might still be there. Maybe you’re afraid of cobwebs.

4 ‘Lost’ Continent

While most people are familiar with losing their keys or their wallet, sometimes something much bigger goes missing. Like a whole goddamn landmass.

5 Strangest Places in North Korea

North Korea is a land shrouded by mystery, and has remained isolated for decades. As you might expect, this has lead to some… oddities in their culture.

5 Weird Cities

Every country has a city that is a little different from the rest of the cities for one reason or another. There are some cities that got the weird vibe for